Mr Stedman decided to ask his class to tell you about what they like about their class and the activities they do. The children love the Role Play area where they get to play and practice the skills they have learnt, they also use this as a means of using the Welsh they have learnt. The children also get to decide on the Role Play themselves. We also have lots of things that help to us to learn such as the Laptop, which we all like to go on! The Maths and Literacy resources and our Word Wall are really useful to. The sound mats are also really helpful! We get to learn about lots of different things such as Pirates. We found out about a female pirate called Grace O’Malley. She was very famous and had an interesting life. The children enjoy going into each area of learning i.e. the Creative Area, where they can independently practice the skills they have learnt or work with a teacher on a focussed task. If the children had to describe their experience in class 1/ 2s they would say it is FUNTASTIC!!!
June 19, 2013 /