Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you so much for all your support for our Fayre on Friday! It was a lovely event and we have taken £1015.00 at the moment. I’ll confirm the final amount next week.

Thank you also to all of the Friends of St Woolos for all their hard work beforehand and on the day. Thank you also to staff for their help.

As a school we are very lucky to have a committed group of parents who organise and help with the Fayre because some schools struggle to get this level of support. All money raised is used to purchase items for pupils and pay for Christmas entertainment. We are also saving up to get some new staging for the top floor.

Also on Friday, Class 4/5 showed their imovie and it was very good! Miss Spearey’s class have their turn on Friday.

Councillor Wilcox was unable to attend because she was ill so she will be visiting in the Spring.

Well done to the Netball squad for their closely fought matches at the Netball Tournament last Tuesday.

Taiko continued this afternoon for Year 3 pupils.

Football continues on Tuesday morning for Class 4/5B.

Staff from Age Cymru in Baneswell are joining us at our assembly on Wednesday to award the prizes for the Age Cymru draw.

The Year 1/2 Concert takes place on Wednesday at 2.00pm in the top hall.

Please remember that no pre- Nursery children or babies are permitted to attend. It is really important that children get their chance to say their lines without being disturbed and I know that you understand the reason for this request.

Any parents wishing to record using a camera or an ipad will be expected to stand at the back or in a designated side area so that the view for people sitting behind them isn’t spoiled.

Children will be expected to stay in school until the end of the day when they are performing so that they can return to their own class once they are changed after the performance.

Our Reception/ Year 1 Numeracy Family Learning course continues on Thursday at 9.00am. As with the Literacy course, each session finishes with the chance for you to do an activity with your child.

On Friday morning we are having a small ‘10p Sale’ in the library at breaktime for items from the Fayre. Children will only be allowed to buy one item so only need 10p at the most. (This is optional- you do not need to send money in if you don’t wish to.)

The Reception Concert takes place on Friday at 2.00pm. Please see my earlier request about young children and babies and also my ipad guidance.

Concerts next week.

Nursery Concerts – Weds 10th Dec. 10.30am/2.00pm
Junior Concerts – Thurs 11th Dec. and Fri 12th Dec. 2.00pm

(Junior parents-please send in your ticket requests by Friday 5th at the latest so that we can allocate any spare seats.)


All school have strict guidelines from the Welsh Government on school timings and register marking and children arriving late after 9.20am (half an hour after school starts) are marked absent for the session. Last week  a good percentage of pupils arrived before the registers closed and this is an improvement. Thank you for continuing to help with your child’s attendance.

Eco Tip

Turn radiators off in rooms that are not used in the evening.

Bonus Ball

There is a rollover!


Yours faithfully,


H Vaughan
