Dear Parent/Carer,
It’s been a very busy two weeks!
Our World of Work in Wales fortnight has been fantastic and we’ve had lots of visits to classes from a range of people working within the public or private sectors, or who have run, or are currently running their own businesses. We have
a few more visits promised in the next week or so, so I will let you know more about these when I can.
Thank you to Mrs Couch for organising the project so comprehensively.
I hope that you all had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday!
The Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea on Friday was incredibly successful and we were bowled over by the response, with places filling up very quickly! Thank you very much if you donated cakes or helped us on the day! I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves.
We’d like to run a similar event next year, but perhaps amend it slightly in order to enable more of you to attend so if you have any suggestions let me know on the form attached to this newsletter.
As you know, we are raising funds to buy Chromebooks which cost £180.00 so Friday’s event has raised £258.25 which means that we can order another Chromebook.
Children who had their residential visit to Manor Park Adventure Centre last week had a great time! Special thanks to Mrs Fowler, Mrs Jarrett and Miss Murphy, who accompanied them!
Classes in Years 3 and 4 have a visit today from STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) Ambassadors Georgina Harvey and Alfie Potter, who are studying Computer Science at Cardiff University. The classes are working on a very interesting project thinking about the City of the Future and this visit is part of that project work.
On Tuesday, we have our second visit from Help the Homeless, Newport, who have asked us to take part in a special project making bags of sweets for the homeless of Newport. We are pleased to support Zoya Khan’s dad and Jai Freddie’s mum, who are actively involved in this charity.
On Wednesday, the Nursery are having a Gnome Day!
There is no school on Thursday. There is a bi-election in Newport West and our school is a polling station so we have to take the day as our final INSET Day, where we will be doing more work on the new curriculum, which comes out in draft form at the end of this month.
However, we have been taking part in John Frost School Cluster project about Code Clubs and so four pupils have been invited to a Code Club Meet at John Frost School on Thursday afternoon.
I’m really pleased to say that our Arts Council for Wales, Lead Creative Schools’ Project which we did three years ago when we opened a pop-up restaurant in school and made an advert for it, has been selected to be one of a set of projects showcasing the Lead Creative Schools projects across Wales. The project film will be on show in the Wales Millennium Centre this week and is a huge honour for us.
Luckily, we were successful in our application for Go and See funding from the Arts Council for Wales and so children in Years 4 and 5, who took part in the initial project, will be travelling to see the Showcase on Friday. As well as seeing their own film again, the will have the chance to see projects from other selected schools across Wales.
Pupil Fundraising
The Just Giving page for Leon Smith in Year 6, who has had his hair cut to raise funds for the Little Princess Trust, (which provides wigs for children undergoing chemotherapy), will close on Friday. If you would like to make a donation, you can still do so at:
The National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy will take place from Tuesday 7th May until Tuesday 14th May.
Please note that no holiday will be authorized for the month of April leading up to these tests.
Parent Governor
We are lucky enough to have received two nominations for the post of Parent Governor. They are:
Mrs Begum (Mum of Isam in Cl 4J) and Mr Parker, (Father of Freya in Cl 3/4B).
I am really grateful to them for being willing to stand for this post. In a time when many schools struggle to get any nominations, we are in a very fortunate situation. We will now hold an election and, as soon as the ballot papers arrive from Governor Support, they will be distributed.
Future Dates
- Thursday 11th April – Easter Hat Parade
- Friday 12th April – Easter Assembly- Class 5/6 M – End of term
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for Afternoon Tea or for any other fundraising ideas.
There is no need to sign, but please do so if you would like to help us at an event.
Name of child: Signature: Tel number: