Dear Parent,
On Friday morning certificates were given out to pupils for regular attendance at clubs. It was great to see so many children who had participated in various clubs during the year and Mr Glover, our Chair of Governors, joined us for this assembly. I am very grateful to all the staff who volunteer to run a club after school for our pupils!
A few parents enquired about staying to watch this certificate assembly and although it is a long event, I now realise that some of you may be prepared to stay for the session. Consequently, next year, I’ll check to see what the likely demand for places is and, if we have enough room, I’ll open it up to parents.
The Y6 Leavers’ Disco was well attended and special thanks go to parents and staff who helped with this!
Thank you for your continued support to improve attendance and punctuality. It is currently 93.6% which is the highest year end total we have had! Pupils with 100% attendance will be recognised at our Leavers’ Assembly. We will do our last Early Bird Attendance draw of the year on Friday.
Our Nursery Open Day was today and our School Open Afternoon takes place today until 5.00pm. I hope that as many of you as possible will join your child so that they can show you their work and you can see how it links to their report.
Pupils in Classes 3/4B and 3/4C have been learning Samba music over the past few Mondays and year 6 have been learning Taiko Drumming.
Brazilian football players from the Brazil Soccer Academy will be visiting on Tuesday morning for football sessions with each junior class. Children will need to ensure that they have their PE kit with them. The players will also chat with Year 1/2 pupils in the afternoon and tell them a little about life in Brazil.
Our Leavers’ Assembly takes place on Wednesday morning at 10.00 am and I hope that you will be able to attend if you have a child who is in Year 6. This is always a lovely celebration of their time at St Woolos and it will be a memorable event.
We are starting it a little later than usual so if you would like to come in to wait first thing in the morning when your child has come into school, you are welcome to do so. We will be serving coffee and biscuits beforehand.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Rob Williams, an independent sports television producer, is returning to talk to Year 6 about his experiences in Brazil, as part of our Aspiration Project.
We will have our usual Talent Shows on Thursday. Thursday is also Blue Day in the Nursery. The Nursery Garden Parties take place on Thursday at 10.30am and 2.00 pm.
Friday is Toy Day and children may bring in toys or board games to play with but these must not be electronic items such as ipads, tablets, remote control cars etc because of the risk of damage
Please do not send your child in with anything that has to plug into a power supply. There will be entertainment in the Nursery on Friday morning.
National Reading and Mathematics Tests
The standardised results from these national tests have not yet been received by schools and, should they arrive late, the final results will be given out at the start of the Autumn term when there will be chance for you to find out more about them and discuss them with us. Year 6 pupils will have theirs sent to them if they have not arrived in time.
Family Learning
Congratulations to all of those parents who completed courses this year and passed! We have had our most successful year for Family Learning courses. Workshops have been arranged for the Autumn Term so I will let you know about these in September
Accompanying this newsletter is a brief questionnaire about your child’s report which I would appreciate your help with. If possible, please complete it and return by Friday.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week! Bonus Ball will stop for the holidays and continue when we return to school.
Friends of St Woolos
The Friends of St Woolos have been a fantastic help again this year! Thank you.
We have had tremendous support for all of our events and they have been successful in raising a lot of money. They have also funded our Year 6 leavers’ gift.
I hope to meet with them early in the autumn term so that they can help with some decisions about using the money raised this year.
Summer Holidays
This is the last week of the school year and I would like to thank you for all the support you have shown your child and the school throughout the year!
Thank you also to all of the staff for their continued hard work and commitment to the children!
School starts on Monday 1st September for all children from Year 1 upwards. There will be two INSET days on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September, when school will be closed to pupils.
New Reception pupils will start on Monday 8th September.
I hope that you have a very pleasant, safe and happy summer holiday!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan