Dear Parent,
This week starts with the annual Y6 visit to Newport City Homes as part of our successful Aspiration Project. Newport City Homes have been fantastic supporters of our project in past years and I know that today’s visit will be a great introduction to the workplace for our Year 6 pupils.
Class photographs are being taken on Tuesday for all pupils from Nursery upwards.
Class 3/4B are visiting Wastesavers on this day. Mrs Ceri Gifford-Berry will be taking music sessions with Y1/2 pupils. The second MEND Healthy Eating session takes place from 3.45-5.00pm in the Nursery.
Our Bring a Tin Casual Day has been brought forward to this Wednesday.
Children are invited to wear casual clothes in return for bringing in a bottle of bubble bath or shampoo, or a tinned or packet food for our Summer Fayre. Any other new unwanted gifts or donations for raffle prizes are also welcome. Class 3/4C are visiting Wastesavers today.
Also on Wednesday, as part of our Aspiration Project, Year 6 will be visited by Mr Rob Williams (son of Mrs Williams who used to teach here) who will tell them about his job as a TV producer specialising mainly in live sports events. I am grateful that he has been able to fit us in before visiting Brazil for the next few weeks to work at The World Cup.
The first of a series of sporting learning activities provided by ‘Play Learn Play’, takes place this Thursday afternoon for Year 2 pupils.
On Friday, PC Williams will be visiting children in Year 2 and Year 6. In the afternoon, Year 4 pupils will have activities with ‘Play Learn Play’
Sports Kit
Please ensure that your child has clothes and dappers or trainers to change into for PE and games. We will be having extra sessions during the next few weeks so it is important that children have kit in school at all times. Please remember that the school sports kit is black shorts, or close fitting leggings, together with a white t-shirt with short sleeves.
Children are not to wear strappy tops also or tops which don’t cover the stomach properly.
You may wish to apply sun cream to your child before they come to school in the morning but please do not send any sun lotion in with your child.
If you would like your child to wear a sunhat or cap during sports activities or playtime then you are welcome to send one in.
Please ensure however, that all items of kit, including trainers, are labelled with your child’s name. If you have previously labelled their kit, please check that it hasn’t faded with washing.
A few children lost coats in the week before half term. Please check that your child hasn’t brought home one belonging to someone else by mistake.
If you use Twitter, please follow us on our new account @StWoolosPrimary. This is our newsfeed for information only, which will keep you up to date with what’s happening and we will also follow organisations and individuals connected with the school.
We have redesigned our school website and this will be going live in the next few weeks. We had a number of suggestions in the past from parents about areas that would be helpful for you and if you have any further suggestions, please let us know.
The School and Nursery are closed on Monday 9th June for an INSET Day for all staff. We will be using the day for Assessment training.
Summer Fayre
This takes place on Friday 13th June and is always a fantastic event.
Raffle tickets will be on sale every breaktime from tomorrow onwards (£1.00 a strip) and we welcome any offers of help over the next two weeks. Thank you very much to parents and grandparents who have already committed themselves to help us. If you would like to help, and haven’t yet let us know. All help is welcome!
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week because we have some unallocated numbers.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan