Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 5/6 classes had really informative visits to Newport Museum and The Pod (local Chartist history pop-up venue) in town last week with Tom Moloney. They are leaning lots about the Chartists and the Victorian period which ended in 1901, just before our school was built in 1904,

Our sports activities with Newport Live and County in the Community continue this week.

Tom Moloney will be continuing his project work with Y5/6 classes on Tuesday and Thursday.

Our Café Cymraeg (Welsh Café) will take place on Wednesday from 2.30pm. This is the event that had to be postponed from before Easter. The Criw Cymraeg (Welsh crew) will be running it and will be practising using Welsh.

Free tea, coffee and cake will be available, and all are welcome to attend. 😊

Topic Letters and Diary Dates
Apologies again for the delay with the Diary Dates. They will be sent home today and any additional dates for trips and events will be notified via the newsletter and also letters.

The cost of coach hire has gone up considerably and, at the moment, we’re still waiting for a few coach firms to confirm dates and prices with us so that we can keep the cost as low as possible for our trips.

Schools are not allowed to make any profit from running any trips, and in order to keep prices as manageable as possible, we always subsidize trips a bit using money from the School Fund. Contributions are voluntary, and we always give you time to pay. However, we rely on as many contributions coming in as possible so that costs can be covered and the trip can go ahead.

We have a group called the Friends of St Woolos, which is currently made up of staff. We’re always really lucky because parents offer to help at events such as the Christmas Fayre, and we have some help beforehand, but it would be really good if any parents or grandparents would like to join us regularly to share suggestions and future plans. We’ve also had a few ideas which we’d like to chat to you about. We are holding two meetings the week after next on Tuesday 7th May, one at 9.00am and the other at 2.45pm, so if you’d like to drop in to one of them, chat or share your ideas, and have a free cup of tea or coffee, you’d be very welcome! 😊

120th Anniversary Week
A reminder that it’s our 120th Anniversary Week, in the week after half term, starting on Monday 3rd June. More information will follow next week.

For the last two weeks we’ve operated a point of need system for the Pantry, where families can ring up to request a bag if they need one.

This system will continue this week, while we decide on future timings and processes, and re-organize stock. If you need any help at all, please ask us.

Parent Governor Role
The closing date for the return of nomination forms for the two Parent Governor vacancies is tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd),

by 5.00pm. Thank you if you have already submitted a form. I’ll let you know the outcome as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

HL Vaughan