Dear All,
Welcome to all the Reception children who have joined us full-time today. It’s great to see everyone settling in so well!
Thank you for returning the blue Contact Details Update cards. The winners of the Infant and Junior draws were India Oak and Janna Salem. Nursery parents are being asked to complete these cards this year also so that we have the same system throughout the school. Please return them by Friday this week so that they can be entered into a draw for morning and afternoon Nursery prizes of £5.00 gift cards.
Thank you to Mr Charles Ferris and Mr Bob Trett, from the Friends of the Newport Ship who visited the school last to talk about medieval Newport and the models that last year’s Class 4/5G painted models for the diorama which will be placed in the University building on the riverside. They presented us with a painting showing how Newport may have looked in 1460, including the old Friary, after which the new shopping centre is named.
Taiko drumming began today for children in the Year 3/5 classes with Mr Robinson from Upbeat Music and Arts. These are fantastic sessions and apart from being a fun way to discover music, really help children to develop concentration skills.
Mini- ipad sessions are running this half term for pupils in Classes 5/6B and 5/6P.
Newport Gateway Rugby and Football will run on alternate Tuesdays throughout the year. Class 5/6P have football this week.
On Tuesday, Class 4/5B have their Farm to Fork visit to Tesco. These visits have gone really well so far and children have enjoyed learning more about the foods they eat. Class 3/4G are visiting on Thursday.
On Friday morning, Mr Tony Rides, the Project Manager for the Friars’ Walk shopping centre development, will be joining our assembly. He will be visiting next week to talk about building site safety.
Class 5/6P are holding their regular Coffee Afternoon for Macmillan Cancer Care on Friday afternoon at 2.30pm. They hope that you will be able to join them for coffee and cake. (There is no charge but there will be an optional raffle in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care).
School clubs start this week. Children had places confirmed on Friday. Please remember that children must be collected promptly at 4.30pm. If your child is in the upper juniors and you have signed for them to walk home alone, we will expect you to meet them from school in December when the afternoons get much darker, sooner.
This is a gentle reminder not to bring dinner and trip money or class forms to the front office first thing in the morning. Please send all money and forms in with your child. This helps your child become more independent, lets the teachers know what money and forms have come in straightaway, and stops hold-ups at the office first thing in the morning. Mrs Kidd’s working day does not start first thing, so it is only Mrs Martin in the office and we want to reduce the time you have to wait here. Thank you in advance for helping with this.
Diary Dates
This should have reached you today. Spare copies are always available from the office.
Eco Tip
Recycle leaflets and other odd papers with a plain back to use for scrap paper.
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to our winner Mrs Briggs
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan