Dear Parent,
Our Healthy Week last week was good fun and Sports’ Days went really well. We were especially lucky with the weather! The children also enjoyed extra sessions with Play Learn Play during the week and these proved to be very popular.
Classes 5/6 and PB are having a visit from First Campus for an IT Animation project this Monday and next. This project is supported by Communities First.
The dental nurses are visiting Year 2 pupils on Tuesday morning.
Newport in Bloom judging is also taking place on Tuesday. Thank you to all those parents who have sent in filled planters or donated plants and seeds for our grounds.
Duffryn High School staff from the Maths department are visiting our Y6 pupils on Tuesday morning and this will be a very good opportunity for them to see the very high level of work that pupils are achvieving by the end of Year 6. On Tuesday afternoon, the school will be visited by Mr Mike Nicholson who is the Strategic Director for Children’s Services from Newport City Council and he will be joined by Mr James Harris, who is the Chief Education Officer.
Our Assembly on Wednesday morning will be taken by Tony Bujeya from Churches Together, based at Nant Coch Church. Year 5 Pupils are having a transition day in Duffryn High on Wednesday and at 4.30pm they are taking part in a Music Concert. Drama Club are visiting the Dolman Theatre to watch a production of Starlight Express.
Children in classes 3/4B and C are visiting the Library on Wednesday morning and they will be using the reference library so that they can find out more for their history reseacrch on World War One.
Our Transition Morning takes place on Thursday. Children will visit their new classes and meet their teachers. Foundation Phase children will bring a note home about their new class on Thursday evening. Please do not ask any staff about the new classes because they will be unable to say anything until pupils have been informed. The Year 6 Transition Project continues on Thursday afternoon.
Play Learn Play are continuing their workshops which are linked to the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework on Thursday for Year 2 pupils and on Friday for Year 4 pupils.
Summer Fayre
The final total raised is £1252.48 (Gross)Thank you very much again for all of your help, either by sending items or prizes in or by helping beforehand or on the day. We will have a brief meeting later in the term to talk about what we would like to use the money for and anyone is invited to come to this (refreshments available). (Date to be confirmed)
Enterprise Shops
Children have been working hard in their Enterprise Project this yaer to make items to sell to raise money for their class. As you are aware, last year’s Enterprise Shop was very much a one off project but we still want children to have the opportunity of selling items and handling money so we will be running two shops in school next week. They are on:
Monday 30th June – Foundation Phase (excluding Nursery)- 3.00-3.30pm – In classrooms (Reception class in canteen)
Tuesday 1st July – Key Stage 2- 3.00-3.30pm – In classrooms
You are invited to visit your child’s class and also any other classes. Please bring as many family members or friends with you as possible so that this can be a busy experience for the pupils. All of the profit made will be spent by the children on items for their class. We will hold some little breaktime sales after the shops so that children get the chance to sell their own and buy other items. This is a fantastic project and its aim is to help pupils develop money handling and
budgeting skills…..and have lots of fun as well!!
Class Photos – Today is the last day for your orders for Class Photos.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan