Dear Parent/Carer,

Croeso! Welcome back to a new half term – my favourite! 😊. The children have started back, as always, with big smiles, smart uniforms and an enthusiasm for learning. It really has been a great start to the term.

An updated diary dates sheet was sent out at the end of last term, please let your class teacher know if you haven’t received one. We will put them out on Seesaw but we know that a hard copy is handy for the front of fridges and family notice boards.

Flu Immunisations
A team of NHS Nurses were in school this week carrying out Flu Immunisation for Reception to Year 6. This is a very important immunisation for children so thank you to those of you who provided consent. The children were very brave and sensible and the immunisations were completed quickly and efficiently by the team.

Bumbles of Honeywood
Our Year 2 children worked with a team from Monmouthshire Building Society this week on the first session of what will be a year-long Enterprise and creative project. The Year 2 staff were so proud of the children who were confident and polite with our visitors and even used Welsh phrases. Gwaith ffantastig Blwyddyn 2!

Thank you to our parents who have signed up to our Seesaw platform. We are asking all of our parents to do this please. Login details will be re-sent home with your children and we are holding a Seesaw Parents’ Meeting on Friday next week at 2.30pm with Mrs Morton, Mrs Dickenson and Mr Bowen so that they can help you with any questions or logging on information. We will be using Seesaw more now that we have stopped using our ‘X’ accounts to share information as well as photos and updates about your child’s work and achievements.

Manor Adventure
Mr Bowen and the Manor Adventure team will be holding a final meeting on Thursday next week at 3.40pm. Please attend if your child is going to Manor Adventure. Mr Bowen will go through any final arrangements and will answer any questions that you may have.

All children from Reception to Year 6 will be taking part in a school visit to The Riverfront Pantomime on Thursday 5th December. A letter will be sent out next week about this. We are subsidising the trip heavily but would be grateful for a £5 voluntary contribution for each child attending.

Mosque Visit
In line with our school values and beliefs as well as Local Authority policy, we will be visiting our local mosque over the next couple of weeks. Mrs Abbas is organizing this for us with the Imam and all children from Reception to Year 6 will walk down with their classes to talk to the Imam and see the inside of the mosque. We are very grateful to both Mrs Abbas and the Imam for helping us with this and will send photos out on Seesaw when your child has visited.

Monday is our Remembrance assembly in school which will be led by 5 / 6 Winefride. The assembly will start at 10.30 and all 5 / 6 parents are invited to join us as are any parents who have or do serve in the Military.

Drama Queens
We will be joined over the next few weeks by the wonderful ‘Drama Queens’ who will be working with some classes this term on dance. You will see the product of their hard work as part of our Christmas Concert at the end of term.

Children In Need
Next Friday is Children in Need and our School Council that they would like everyone to dress up with Crazy Hair and Clothes. All donations for Children In Need will be appreciated.

Have a great weekend 😊.

Very kind regards,

Miss T Bowden
Interim Headteacher