The school engages extensively with parents and a number of workshops and courses are run throughout the year. These are always notified on the weekly newsletter and the termly dates.
These courses and workshops share information about ways to help your child to learn and they also explain some of the new ways of teaching eg the way we teach certain maths operations such as multiplication. At some point during the course, your child will join you to do an activity with you.
Courses include:
- Nursery Language and Play
- Nursery Number and Play
- Literacy for different age groups eg. Rec/Y1 Literacy course
- Numeracy for different year groups eg. Y2/3 Numeracy course
We also run occasional workshops and meetings such as:
- Ways to help your child spell
- Internet Safety
We always listen to parents’ suggestions about areas that they might find beneficial to have a workshop or course on.
If you would like to know about any of these workshops or courses please ask at the office. Often we will be able to put you in touch with a parent who has attended one of them and can tell you about them.