Our School

Celebrating achievement for all in a caring environment

Download our current prospectus here (PDF)


We will ensure that St. Woolos Primary School is a caring and secure school for all children.

We will provide a warm and welcoming school where pupils are encouraged to be polite, honest and respect the feelings of others. Pupils are encouraged to discuss problems or concerns as they arise. These situations can be resolved through formal or informal discussions with a class teacher, other staff or school council members. The School Council will give all children an opportunity to express their views.

We will have stimulating classrooms which offer challenges.

We will prepare children for life outside school by developing their social skills, numeracy, literacy and IT skills, across a wide range of subjects.

We will ensure that all pupils’ efforts are valued and rewarded on a whole school and class level and that pupils with special educational needs receive a suitably differentiated education.

St. Woolos Primary School will make a difference to each and every child and will maximize their true potential.


At St. Woolos we care and share by:

Following instructions first time
Keeping hands, feet, objects and unkind words to ourselves
Listening carefully to the chosen speaker
Using an appropriate voice
Walking safely indoors


We expect pupils to show the kind of behaviour required by a responsible parent.

We have a few guiding rules and we expect pupils to:

  • Respect one another in all aspects of life
  • Show consideration for the needs of others
  • Take a pride in their appearance and that of the school building and grounds.

The school believes in praising and rewarding positive behaviour.

Pupil of the Week and Lunchtime Award certificates are given out every week at a Friday Celebration Assembly.  Children in Key Stage 1 are rewarded with praise and stickers, but once children enter Key Stage 2 there is a house point system with points given for work, effort and behaviour.  Pupils annually elect House Captains and Vice-Captains for each of the four houses: Usk, Ebbw, Wye, Severn.

We expect pupils to behave in a polite and caring manner.

The school operates a behaviour system comprising of yellow and red warning cards for inappropriate behaviour. If a child has received a red card then they will miss the next day’s breaktime.

A strong partnership between home and school is a major contributor to your child’s progress and success.

Where there is cause for concern, we will always work with parents so that issues can be resolved in partnership.


The school rewards good attendance with a weekly and half-termly Early Bird attendance prize draw.

School starts: 8.50am (Doors open at 8.45am)
Lunch: 12.15pm (Infants)
12.30pm (Juniors)
Afternoon session: 1.30pm
School finishes: 3.30pm (Reception doors open at 3.20pm)

If your child is unable to attend as a result of illness, please either telephone the school or send a note in on your child’s return. We will be unable to provide authorization for legal absence if we receive no notification.

If your child visits the doctor or the dentist then this will be recorded as an authorized absence.

Children arriving after 9.00am will be marked as late and this is an unauthorized absence.

Parents may request no more than ten authorized days for holidays only per academic year. Holiday forms are available from the office. The school cannot authorize occasional days off. For each day that a child is on holiday, their absence is marked as two sessions (morning/afternoon) authorised absence.