Dear Parent/Carer,
Nursery had a lovely Polar Express Day last Thursday!
Our regular Rugby and Football sessions take place this week.
On Thursday we are marking Remembrance Day with a special online assembly in class and then each class
will visit our memorial in the top hall to past pupils who lost their life in the First World War, or in conflicts
since. They will also make their Remembrance Day declaration:
‘At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.
We will remember them.’
We have a lovely Remembrance Day garland of poppies that all the children in the school have contributed
to and it is just by the main entrance. Have a look on Twitter later in the week to see it
Unfortunately we can’t get any supplies of poppies to sell for The Royal British Legion this year, but if you
would like to make a small donation anyway, there is a collecting tub at the front office.
Food Bags
We had a delivery of food bags from King’s Church last week and will be receiving more next Tuesday.
However, we are always given more than we need, so if you would like a spare one this week, please
contact the office (1633 265792)
Request for Help
At the moment Mrs Martin and Mrs Kidd in the office are snowed under with taking messages and making
calls home that they shouldn’t have to deal with, and these take time from the school and Civic Centre
tasks that they have to do.
If you are making different arrangements for your child to be picked up, please just tell the teacher in the
morning, rather than ringing up at last minute in the afternoon. For every call that you make like this, Mrs
Martin or Mrs Kidd have to go walking around the school to take a message.
Also, if your child is absent from school, please ring before the start of the school day so that Mrs Kidd
doesn’t have to ring to make a safety check.
If you would help with both of these things, it would make a huge difference to the smooth running of the
office. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Covid 19
A Warn and Inform letter was sent out to all pupils in Class 2JB yesterday, by Schoop.
Family Learning
Apologies- the SWOPS (St Woolos Online Parent Support) Number to 10 session wasn’t sent out last
It is available by following this link:
These are the links to the videos: large number cards number track and cards apples/berries on a tree number track and cards
If you requested a pack of materials after last Thursday’s deadline, we have your forms and a pack will be
prepared for you.
Comments we have received for Mrs Couch’s SWOPS sessions have been really positive. Thank you if you
returned the evaluation form for Numbers to 5.
- Children in Need – Friday 19th November– The School Council will be thinking about a fund-raising
activity that we can do in school. - Tombola Tuesday – Tuesday 23rd November (Casual Clothes in return for brining in an item for the
Christmas Fundraising Day. - Our Christmas Fundraising Day is on Friday 26th November and each class will be doing their own
set of fund-raising activities. We will also hold our Christmas Raffle. If you are able to help us by
contacting local organisations for raffle prizes or donations, please contact the office or speak to
either myself or your child’s class teacher.
If any family member works for an organisation who might be able to provide match funding, such
as Lloyds TSB, please let us know also.
Eco Tip
If you cut hanger ribbons off the top of dresses or tops, please recycle them and send them into school to
reuse in art and craft activities.
Estyn Best Practice
We have received some excellent news! Our school has been included as a best practice example in a
recent Estyn report that was published last month which looked at how History, and in particular Welsh
History, was taught in schools in Wales.
We were visited in May by Liz Counsell, HMI, for this report and as well as looking at children’s books and
teachers’ planning, she met with a group of pupils to talk about what they were learning, and they were a
credit to the school.
In addition to being a case study, we were found to be way ahead of many schools visited in terms of
exposure to a wide range of cultural themes in our history.
This commendation reflects the careful thought that teachers put into their planning and also the hard
work that the pupils, and they, have put in. Well done!
The report can be found here:
Governing Body
Finally, I’d like to update you on some changes within our Governing Body.
At our recent annual general Meeting, Dr Paul Glover, who has been a Governor for over twenty years and
our Chair of Governors since 2011, stepped down from his role as Chair. Although still an active member of
our Governing Body, Dr Glover will be helping us in a more general capacity, so we are not losing either his
wisdom or his expertise.
I have known Dr Glover since he joined our Governors when I was Acting Head and, as well as sending him
very warm thanks from the whole of the school community for his steadfast support and total
commitment to securing the very best for our school, I would like to personally thank him for the very
sincere way in which he has demonstrated his commitment over the years.
I’d also like to offer him our best wishes and hope that he can enjoy a little more spare time now!
Dr Glover has been succeeded by Ceri Meloy, a Community Governor who has been with us for four years
and who, along with all of our Governors, is totally committed to our school.
Our current Governors are:
Name | Type of Governor |
Ceri Meloy | Chair Community |
Mark Tucker | Vice Chair Community |
Dr Paul Glover | Community |
Ayemposi Adeniji (Dad to Morayo Y4) | Parent |
Donna Bird (Mum to Freya Y6 ) | Parent |
David Phillips (Dad to Declan Y8) | Parent |
Cllr Kate Thomas | Local Authority |
Cllr Miqdad Al-Nuaimi | Local Authority |
Sam Dabb | Local Authority |
Michelle Jarrett | Staff Governor |
Caroline Bradfield | Co-opted |
Alex Guest | Co-opted |
Lucy Davies | In Attendance |
Mr Phillips’ term of office ends this month so we will be shortly recruiting another Parent Governor. Please
contact me if you are interested in this role and would like to find out more.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan