Dear All,
Welcome back after half term.
Congratulations to Tawassul Zahra and Owen Morris who both won our Early Bird Draw today for full attendance. They will both be receiving a £5.00 W H Smiths giftcard. Well done also to all the children who won a magnet for full and punctual attendance this term. It’s good to see so many children doing so well and getting a magnet for the first time ?
This is a fairly quiet week with all clubs running as usual apart from Drama and Homework clubs (Mrs Couch, Miss Bishop and myself are out of school on those days.)
Class photos will be taken on Tuesday in the school and Nursery. All families will be given a proof photo but there is no obligation to buy any.
Year 5 pupils will be spending the morning at the music Jampod at Duffryn High School tomorrow as a part of their Cluster Transition Project but will be back in time for photos.
The Nursery parent and child visit to Cefn Mably Farm Park is on Wednesday and hopefully the weather will be great for this.
Also on Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 pupils are visiting an exhibition about the Bible at Malpas Road Evangelical Church as part of their RE work.
The Year 6 Transition programme continues this Thursday.
The Safe Cycling course continues after school.
On Friday Year 5/6 pupils are visiting Allt-yr-yn Nature Reserve as part of their Science work. (This is a change of date from the Diary Dates sheet.)
Friends of St Woolos
There is a meeting of the Friends of St Woolos on Tuesday at 2.30pm to plan for the Summer Fayre which will take place on Friday 12th June at 3.45pm. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us and we are always looking for ideas for new stalls.
You have already had a letter about this, but if you haven’t been able to reply and would like to help on the day in any capacity, please let us know.
On Tuesday 9th June we are having a Summer Fayre Tombola Casual Day. In exchange for wearing casual clothes, children are asked to bring in an item such as a packet or tinned food, bottle of shower gel or bubble bath, sweets etc, all of which can go on the Tombola. It is fine to send in just one item as a family donation.
Building Work
I am really pleased to let you know that work to renovate the hall on the top floor has been confirmed by Newport Norse (Newport City Council’s Property Services division). We have been waiting for this for many years and it means that, when complete, the top floor will be suitable for children to do barefoot gymnastic work.
The go-ahead has also been given for the ceiling in Class 4/5B’s classroom to be replaced and the room will also be decorated. The school will not have to pay for either of these works because they are part of the Council’s responsibility to maintain its buildings.
However, because there is a possibility that the ceiling work might reveal further problems, work on this will have to start before the end of term, so that the floor can be renovated in enough time in the holidays. Children in Class 4/5B have moved into the Purple Room and will be there for the rest of the term or until the work on the class is finished. Small group sessions in the Purple Room will take place in the PPA Room.
We will try to minimise the disruption during this time but when you attend for more class assemblies this term, or the Leavers’ Service, you will notice some of the adjustments to the top hall that have had to be made.
Monday 8th June- INSET Day
Wednesday 24th June- Foundation Phase Enterprise Sale in school
Year 5 Transition Concert at Duffryn High School
Wednesday 1st July – Reception Intake meeting – 6.30pm
Wednesday 8th July – Junior Enterprise Sale in school
Thursday 9th July – Junior Enterprise Stall at Tesco, Cardiff Road – all day
Welcome to Mrs Stone who joins us as our new school cook.
On Friday we say goodbye to Mrs Jones who supports in the Reception Class and in Class 1/2DJ. Although we will be sad to see her go we would like to thank her for all her help and hard work and wish her good luck as she returns to a nursing post!
Punctuality and Attendance
Latenesses for the half term are shown below:
Week commencing |
13.4.15 |
20.4.15 |
27.4.15 |
5.5.15 |
11.5.15 |
18.5.15 |
Number of latenesses |
75 |
50 |
39 |
37 (Only three days in school) |
39 (No late letters issued Tuesday due to local traffic issues) |
59 (No late letters issued Thursday due to traffic issues) |
Bonus Ball
There is another roll over this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan