Dear Parent/Carer,

Happy new year!

It’s lovely to see everyone back with us after the Christmas break!

I hope that you were able to make the most of the time and see family and friends.

There are some general pieces of information this week.

Health Information
Schools have been given the following link to share if you need to know anything about Strep A infections,

If your child has a fever, fever symptom or a sore throat, please do not send them to school.

A temperature over 37.8 C (or 100 F) is generally considered to be a fever.

Children aged 2-6 in Gwent can get their free nasal flu vaccination at mass vaccination centres across Gwent.

Please see the website below for more information.

Newport City Council Budget Consultation
Newport City Council is currently consulting on its budget for April 2023 and this has a big impact on school funding. They have asked us to share with you the following information and also a link to their consultation survey, together with a request to complete the survey if you’d like to.

Further information about where the Council’s funding comes from and the general budget challenge is available on the budget webpage.

The survey is available at

Stow Hill Pantry
This will be open again on Thursday from 3.15-4.00pm in the Family Room near the Nursery entrance. This is an emergency service to help our families most in need. It’s not a registered food bank though and we rely on the support and kindness of the congregation of St Woolos Cathedral together with donations from The Raven House Trust and staff.

Next week we will be introducing a simple registration process to ensure that we can help you as much as we can, and, if necessary, help with a referral to the Trussell Trust foodbank at Stow Park Church (The Raven House Trust) which would help you to access a greater range of food and support. There will be more information for you in the food bags on Thursday.

We also have some new PE kit which has been donated by Newport Cathedral and also some spare uniform.

Please ask if you need anything.

A request – We don’t have staff employed to run the pantry so we share the load between us and also rely on the support of volunteers who organize the food donations on a Wednesday morning. If anyone would like to go onto a rota to help with that for about an hour, that would be really helpful. I have already been approached by one parent who would like to help us so, if you have time spare, even if it’s perhaps every two to three weeks or so, please contact me. Any additional help would make a difference.

Parent Voice
We’re reviewing our Behaviour for Learning Policy at the moment and have consulted in school with staff and also with School Council members. However, we’d very much like to find out your thoughts about the ways in which we support positive behaviour in school and also any suggestions that you may have.

Below is a link to a questionnaire that I’d really appreciate you completing and submitting by Friday of this week if you’re able to please. It shouldn’t take more than five minutes to complete but it will really help us to ensure that we are working closely with you in the development of this policy.

On the questionnaire there is also the opportunity to let me know if you’d like to join a small group, either online or in school, to talk about this more, on Friday 20th January at 2.30pm. It would also be helpful if we could also talk at the same time about the school, curriculum and parent courses etc. in that meeting. I hope that you’ll be able to help with this.

The Diary Dates sheet and Class Theme Plans will be sent home on Monday 16th January.

Below are some important dates for the term:
Monday 30th January – INSET Day (Nursery and School closed)
Friday 17th February – Break up for half term
Monday 24th February – Return after half term
Friday 10th March – Cluster INSET Day (Nursery and School closed)
Friday 31st March – Break up for Easter

Next week’s Diary Dates sheet will contain dates of activities, visits and Family Learning sessions.

Thank you.

Wishing you all the best for the start of the year!
Very kind regards,

H L Vaughan