Dear Parent

The final total raised by Class 5/6P for Macmillan cancer care is £166.62.   Thank you to Mrs Parry for organizing this and to you for supporting it!

Thank you very much for your generous food gifts which you brought in for harvest. They were all collected by the Raven House Trust on Friday.

Year 6 pupils watched the Crucial Crew performance this afternoon which is run by a number of agencies such as Gwent Police and helps them to make sensible life choices and resist peer pressure.

The Football Workshops with Ben Davies from Communities First will continue with pupils in Classes 1/2 VS, MS and DJ.

The Bible Experience continues with Class 4/5B tomorrow on Tuesday afternoon also.

There is no Craft Club on Tuesday because both Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Hayes will not be in school.

Class 4/5B are visiting the Winding House, in Caerphilly, on Wednesday as part of their topic work on the Victorians.

The GEMS Reading Café will also run on Wednesday from 2.30pm onwards in the library. You are welcome to attend this if you would like to read with your child. This is an opportunity for you to have some quality time with your child and read some of the extra new books. Children will be unable to join you for games though because it’s a paired reading session.

If you returned your slip for Parental Consultations, you will be given an appointment slip on Wednesday.

The school photographer is in school on Thursday and will be taking individual photos of all pupils. Please complete the form below if you would like your child to have their photo taken with a brother or sister. There is no obligation to buy these photos and you will be given a sample to keep.

Our Helping Your Child with Year 3/4 Maths course continues on Thursday from 9.00-11.00am.

Lunchtime Code Club is running very well thanks to the commitment of the pupils and the parent volunteers.

Our Parent Focus Group take place on Friday at 2.45pm. You are welcome to join this meeting where you will have the chance to give feedback on school life and help to plan future parent courses.

Parental Consultations

Parental Consultations will take place on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th October. All requests for appointments should now be in.

It is very important that you attend these meetings. If you have not requested an appointment and we haven’t heard from you, you will be sent a letter about this.

All appointments are ten minutes long and we will be applying that very firmly this year so that we can ensure that all parents get an equal amount of time. If you need to discuss any special issues, you will need to make an extra after-school appointment to meet again with your child’s class teacher

Bonus Ball

There is a rollover today.

Yours sincerely,

H Vaughan
