Dear Parent/Guardian,
Well done to Class 5/6P who did a lovely class assembly about the Easter Story at the end of term.
Thank you for supporting our Easter Raffle. We raised £115.50 for school funds. Thank you to the Friends of St Woolos, Tesco Extra, Maesglas and staff who donated prizes. Thank you also to the Friends of St Woolos for buying a cream egg for every pupil.
The Year 1/2 Hungry Heroes pop-up restaurant was a fantastic success and I’d like to thank you very much for supporting your child with this project by attending and having a meal with us! Thank you also to all the parents who have helped over the past few weeks with activities in school such as fabric painting etc. and also those who helped by sewing aprons at home. Special thanks to Miss Spray and the Year 1/2 team of teachers and support staff who ran the project and also to school staff (and families) who helped in the evenings at the Hungry Heroes restaurant! Thank you also to the team at It’s My Shout who worked so hard with our children and staff to help make the project such a success.
Well done to our half termly Early Bird winners- Muadh Sahfeer and Sherona Ottery who will each win a £5.00 WH Smiths gift card! Well done also to all the children with full and punctual attendance for the last half term who have won an attendance fridge magnet.
This week is Book Week and children will be doing lots of activities about books and authors.
Our assembly on Tuesday will be taken by Tony Bujeya from Nant Coch Church. Tony does assemblies in many schools in Newport and the surrounding area and he has been visiting us for over twenty years (some of you may remember him from when you were a pupil here.)
On Wednesday we will be joined in our assembly by Kelvin Reddicliffe, a Chartist enthusiast, who is donating some Chartist jigsaws for a competition prize.
Nursery will be having a Pirate Day on Wednesday because they are reading pirate books this week.
Also on Wednesday, Year 6 pupils are going on the annual residential visit to Talybont Outdoor Pursuits Centre. This is always a great experience for pupils and whilst there they will take part in activities such as shelter building, canoeing and orienteering etc.
Thank you also to staff who are accompanying them. We’ll post some pictures on Twitter (@StWoolosPrimary) so that you can follow what the children do. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for good weather.
Jewellery and uniform
Please remember that the school uniform code allows boys and girls to wear a wrist watch (of a sensible size), a ring and a pair of neat ear studs (not sleepers or nose studs).
No other fashion jewellery is permitted. This is because there is a strong chance of precious items such as bracelets or necklaces being broken or lost.
The kara, an esential item worn by Sikh pupils, is permitted, because it is not a fashion bracelet.
All jewellery muct be removed for PE so please help your child to learn to take out their earrings as soon as they are able to. If earrings cannot be taken out, they will be taped up with white tape to ensure that the ear lobe doesn’t get ripped or that butterfly backs don’t come out and get embedded in pupils’ bare feet.
School uniform is sensible black shoes. Please don’t send your child to school in trainers or daps because they will need to change into these for PE. We understand, however, that there may be an occasional problem with footwear so if this is the case, please let your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your co-operation with this.
National Tests
The National Tests for pupils in Years 2-6 take place from Tuesday 3rd May to Tuesday 10th May. Catch up testing, for pupils who miss tests, will take place on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May. No holidays will be authorised during this period.
Elections and INSET Days
Our last two INSET days will now be taken on the Election and Referendum Days on Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June.
This means that Sports Day will now be on the reserve date of Thursday 30th June.
Bridge Street Bridge
Bridge Street Bridge will be closed to traffic from 3rd May until late 2016. The bridge will be replaced a part of Network Rail’s work to prepare for the electrification of the railway track.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan