Dear Parent/Carer,

Our new Reception children had their first full day today and they’ve done so well! 😊

They were really great at lunchtime in our canteen in the Cadog Hall and we’ve been so impressed with the way that they’ve all settled with us.

Likewise, all Nursery children have now started with us and again, they’ve done so well! 😊

When you add these great starts to the way that all classes have been amazingly well settled in their first week, we think that we’re going to have an incredible year and are very excited about it!

Flu Vaccination

All schools take part in the Flu Immunistion programme run by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Vaccination is one of the most important things we can do to protect children and young people against ill health. The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales have developed the following guide to vaccinations for young people.

Vaccinations for young people – Public Health Wales (

Public Health Wales say, ‘The guide explains when and how vaccinations are offered to young people in school years 7 to 11 (ages 11 to 16) and why they are so important. Parents and carers are asked to read the guide. In addition, when each vaccination is due you will receive information from the school about the vaccination being offered along with a consent form. Please also read this information and return the consent form as soon as possible, so that your child receives the best protection they can have against these serious diseases. Thank you.’

Our Flu vaccinations are taking place for pupils from Reception to Year 6 on Monday 13th November and you will receive consent forms nearer the time.


The final day for returning club request slips is Thursday 14th September. Clubs will start in the week beginning Monday 18th September.


Thank you for helping with the system at the gates. It’s helped to make it much easier for the children at the beginning and end of the day and I appreciate your patience with this.

RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete)

I sent out a separate Schoop about this last week, but just in case you hadn’t seen or have just signed up to Schoop, I wanted to reassure you that our school has no RAAC and the building is safe.

Diary Dates and Topic Letter

A cluster INSET Day for all the schools in the John Frost Cluster, will take place on Monday 2nd October. As a result, the school and Nursery will be closed for the day.

The Topic Letter for your child’s class has been sent home today. If at some point you need a spare copy, please ask your child’s class teacher.

The Diary Dates sheet will be sent tomorrow once we’ve had final confirmation of a visit.

Family Learning

We have a number of Family Learning sessions with Mrs Couch planned in for the Autumn Term and they will be on the Diary Dates sheet. A special request comes from Mrs Couch for children to return their Family Learning Number Detectives notebook if they did their challenge, so that they can have a certificate. Thank you.

I hope that you have a lovely week. Very kind regards,

H Vaughan