Dear All,
The final total collected for Latch is now £1096.92 and this was made up from additional donations and also an extra £45.77 which was collected in store by Asda.
A representative from Latch will be joining us at one of our assemblies in the next few weeks to tell us a little more about the work they do and to receive a cheque from us. Thank you very much for supporting this.
The Year 5 Swimming Course at Spytty is going really well and children are making great progress.
Year 1/2 classes had a great visit to Drago Lounge last week and were a credit tio you! Today they visited Nando’s as part of their project work on foods from different countries.
All clubs (except Cookery Club) start this week, as normal. Cookery and Creative Clubs work on a rotation basis so that lots of children have the chance to take part. Some clubs have smaller number limits so that pupils can have a better share of adult support. We always welcome any adults who would like to help with a club on a regular basis. This would mean, in some cases, that we could offer additional spaces.
A six week Y2/3 Parent Literacy/Numeracy Course is staring this Thursday and it will again be run by Helen Davies. The session times are 9.15 to 11.15am and, as in previous courses, your child will have the opportunity to work with you for part of the session. If you would like to attend this course, please complete the form at the end of this letter and return it to your child’s class teacher.
If you have never attended one of these courses, and would like to know more, please come along for just one session to find out. They are very relaxed sessions and the aim is to share with you some of the different ways that Literacy and Numeracy are taught nowadays. There are also always refreshments!
We very much want to run courses that will be especially helpful to you so if there is an area that you would like to know more about, please let me know at any time.
Diary Dates Sheet
The Diary Dates sheet and Topic Letters accompany this newsletter (Apologies- I was a week ahead of myself with the date last week!). Although most of this term’s events are on there, there may be extra activities for your child throughout the term because we always like to take advantage of any opportunities that we can. I am unable to provide dates for our Lead Creative Schools’ Project with Y1/2 yet because final dates haven’t been confirmed. However, I will let you know about these in a separate letter when I am able to. This sheet is always on the front doors and in the notice board under the shelter and spare copies are always available from the office. Please note that INSET days are always on the Diary Dates sheet and also on several newsletters beforehand so that you are always kept up to date.
Christmas Card Competition
Thank you very much if you have sent these in. We already have two and a half sackfuls.We are still collecting cards for the competition. The final day is Friday 15th January.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan