Dear Parent,
Well done to all the classes who performed so well at our Harvest Festival!
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for this service. It was a lovely surprise to see so many who had come to support the children!
Thank you also for your very kind food donations! All of the food items were collected by The Raven House Trust on Friday afternoon to be shared out to those in need.
Thank you also to Tesco, Cardiff Road, whose bakers made us a fantastic harvest loaf! We shared this out to the school but saved the mouse for a draw which Tomas in Reception won. (I’ll put a photo of the loaf on Twitter- @StWoolosPrimary)
Ipad sessions continue this afternoon for classes 3/4M and 3/4G. Unfortunately Milittlepad had to cancel their after school club because staff were ill but they have notified parents separately.
Year 1/2 classes visited Hill Street Mosque this afternoon as part of their topic work.
Tomorrow evening, at 6.00pm, Mr Jon Wilson, Headteacher of Duffryn High School, and Mrs Lucy Purcell, Assistant Head, are holding a meeting for all parents to show plans and explain the changes that will happen when John Frost High School opens in September 2016. I have already given you this date and I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to come. You are welcome to bring your child with you, but there will be no staff to supervise them – they are able to stay with you and perhaps ask any questions they may have.
Samba continues on Wednesday morning for Year 1/2 classes and, in the afternoon, they are visiting the Post Office in town for a special reason. Parents- they will have a surprise for you! ?
Also on Wednesday afternoon, Jamie Jarvis will be running the drama workshop with Year 5 pupils ready for the Chartist March which will take place on Wednesday 4th November at 1.30pm
School Photographs will be taken on Thursday. If you would like a photo taken with a young child who is not in school, please bring them in first thing because the photographer will take these pictures first. A queuing system will operate once the doors are open at 8.45am. Please complete the attached form and give it to your child’s class teacher (not the office) if you would like your child to have a photograph with a brother or sister. (Teachers will keep these notes.)
On Thursday, the first session in our Family Learning Reception/Year 1 Family Learning Literacy Course starts. Reception and Year 1 parents have a separate letter about this.
On Friday morning at 9.15am, Class 5/6W have their class assembly. I hope that lots of you will be able to join us for that.
Nursery Language and Play continues on Friday morning and afternoon and the last session is next week. I hope that you are enjoying this course.
Parental Consultations
These will take place on Tuesday 20th October and Wednesday 21st October. Please return your form to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible if you have not already done so.
The only club running after school next Tuesday and Wednesday will be Football Club (run by a coach) because all of the staff will be involved with consultations.
These are very important meetings and a lovely opportunity to see how your child has settled in their new class and to meet their new teacher.
A member of staff from Duffryn High will be at Tuesday’s meeting on the top hall and staff from Newport’s Family Information Service will be at Wednesday’s meeting. Mrs Couch will be in the hall for both sessions to answer any questions you may have about the national tests.
A DVD will be running in the Nursery if you are unable to get a babysitter but please do not leave your children there after school until your later appointment. Children must be collected at 3.30pm and then brought back to later appointments because we cannot fit all of the children in the Nursery all at once. Consultations will not start until 3.45pm so that all children can be safely dismissed.
Please collect your child as soon as your appointments have finished.
Nursery Consultations will take place on Tuesday 3rd November and Wednesday 4th November.
No Smoking
Please do not smoke at the back gates, especially in the Nursery area.
Please also remember to wait appropriately. The Nursery gates are shut until the session starts but it is important that all children are not exposed to smoke or bad language.
This is the third time since that start of term that I have had to ask parents not to smoke at school gates. Please respect this request
I know that it only applies to a few parents and so I want to say thank you to everyone who complied with this request immediately.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Year 1/2 Performance
Year 1/2 classes have a special performance planned for next Monday afternoon that they are inviting parents to. It’s a bit of a secret at the moment but I hope that as many of you as possible will be free in the afternoon to join us somewhere special!!
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to our winner- Mrs Dobbins!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan