Dear All,

All of the concerts this year have been great and pupils and staff have worked really hard with all of them. Well done and thank you to everyone for these!

Well done to Y1/2 pupils who performed their routine at Newport County’s football match at Rodney Parade on Saturday! They were excellent and, even though the weather was terrible,  gave 100%.

Well done also to the St Woolos Primary School Choir who sang at the Newport Centre in the Gwent Music Christmas Concert on Sunday evening!

Both groups of children were a credit to you and their behaviour was so very good.

The Afternoon Nursery Party took place today and the Morning Party is tomorrow.

There are no clubs this week apart from Football Club, which is run in school by Communities First coaches, Ben and Ethan.

Parties for the rest of the School take place on Wednesday 14th December and children can wear their own party clothes for the day.

Please don’t send party food in until Wednesday and please remember to label all your food plates and containers with your name.

There is no GEMS Reading Café on Wednesday.

On Thursday morning and afternoon, we will be having our ususal Talent Shows and these are a lovely opportunity for pupils to perform in front of their friends.

Also on Thursday, the Friends of St Woolos Children’s Raffle will be drawn. Tickets are on sale at breaktime for 50p a strip. (Thank you to parents and staff who donated items for this.)

Friday is a Christmas Jumper/Top/T-Shirt Day which children and staff can take part in for a donation of 50p. We will be raising funds for ‘Tackle Melanoma’, a charity established by Mr Mike Lockey who was previously a Parent Governor and who passed away earlier this term.

It’s fine for children to wears jeans or similar with their tops on that day if you wish. Staff are also giving donations to ‘Tackle Melanoma’ in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

Friday is also Toy Day, when children can bring in toys and games from home.

(Please do not send in any mobile devices such as tablets, ipads or any electronic toy that needs to plug in.)

The Nursery Christingle is taking place on Friday morning at Havelock Street Church at 10.00am. We will be joined in this by Mr Ron Prosser from Stow Park Church and some pupils in classes 5/6P and 5/6W will also be taking part. Nursery children will be accompanied by their parents.  If your child is performing,  you are welcome to join us for this

We break up on Friday. School and Nursery resume on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

Christmas Card Recycling

We will again be recycling christmas cards for the Newport Wastesavers Competition.

Please send cards in bags, with the number of cards written on them. All of the schools in Newport that take part have the final total judged as a percentge of the total number of pupils on roll.

The final date for sending them in is Friday 13th January.

Dinner Money

Please pay all money owing by the end of the week.

Bonus Ball

There is a rollover this week.

Happy Christmas

Thank you very much for all your support for the children this term.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and happy new year!

Yours faithfully,

H Vaughan
