Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you and well done to Class 5/6G for leading such a moving Remembrance Service on Friday. We were delighted to be joined by two senior members of the Old Comrades Association of the Welsh Guards.
Thank you to Mr Kayumi, father of Maya in Year 4, who organised and led a day of Capoeira Workshops last week for Year 3/4 classes. Capoeira is a form of Afro-Brazilian dance and music based martial art. Mr Kayumi was joined for the day by two fellow coaches from the not-for-profit Capoeira classes that they run at the The Riverfront and I really appreciate them taking a day off from work to run a set of really enjoyable Capoeira sessions. If you are interested in finding out more about Capoeira, this You Tube link will be helpful.
In preparation for Anti-Bullying Week, which starts today, Children in Year 5/6 classes were joined last Thursday by staff from Kidscape, the national anti-bullying organisation.
Flu immunisations took place in school today.
Parental Consultations for Godsall’s class will take place this Wednesday with exactly the same allocated times as before.
During the Consultations, a QR code for a Parent Survey was shared asking for opinion on such things in school as your child’s happiness and learning, the website and the new Consultation system of staff seeing parents at tables in the hall.
If you haven’t yet had chance to complete it, the QR code is below. The survey will close on Friday. Thank you to those who have replied so far. Your responses are really helpful and will be shared with you once the survey closes.

The Stow Hill Pantry will be open on Wednesday from 3.15-3.45pm.
Personalised Assessments
This is the second week of Personalised Assessments and this week Numeracy Procedural assessments will be taking place.
The Reading assessments will take place next week.
Children in Need
On Friday it is Children in Need and the School Council have suggested having a spotty or Pudsey Day where. for a small donation, children wear spotty clothes, or wear Pudsey items or their own clothes. In addition, because it’s Anti-Bullying week, children can wear odd socks if they’d like to.
School Uniform
We are proud of our children and they look really smart when they wear their school uniform. Their uniform also sets them apart when we go on visits outside the school and our children are always great representatives of the school and of you. It is important to us that children learn about good standards of dress.
Since 2018 we have operated a gender neutral uniform policy with the following options being expected:
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore slips or grey shorts. (No short lycra skirts are to be worn)
- Red cardigan or sweatshirt
- Red and white check summer dress
- Black school shoes with heels of a sensible and safe height (No trainers to be worn)
- Warm and waterproof coat
- PE – White round necked T-shirt, black shorts, close fitting tracksuit bottoms or black leggings. Daps/trainers/pumps
All of these items should be labelled with your child’s name.
It is not expected that all items will have a school logo. If you need any spare items of uniform we have sets of spare clothes in very good condition which you are welcome to have. Please ask at the office. We understand that children may grow out of clothes and shoes quickly so if any if these items need to be temporarily substituted, just let your child’s class teacher know.
We’ve noticed that even though it’s November and the weather is cold and wet, several children have been coming in to school without a coat. Even if they come in a car, children will be outside at the start, end and several times in the middle of the day so please remind your child to wear their coat to school every day.
Thank you for working with the school to improve your child’s lateness or attendance if you have recently received a letter about these.
Christmas Fayre
Our Christmas Fayre takes place on Friday 24th November from 3.45pm. You will shortly be receiving a letter from the Friends of St Woolos about this event. Our Tombola Tuesday is on Tuesday 21st November, when children wear casual clothes in exchange for bringing in items for our tombola or a raffle prize.
The Christmas Fayre is always a really great event and our raffle is legendary so I hope that lots of you will be able to join us!
We’ve had a special hint that Father Christmas will be joining us as well!! 😊
Very kind regards,
H Vaughan