Dear Parent/Guardian,
We’ve had a busy few weeks and there were some events that I didn’t get chance to tell you about in the newsletter last week.
On Tuesday, Classes 3/4G and 3/4M went to Kings Church to take part in International Women’s Day events and tried crafts and using a bicycle blender to make fruit smoothies. Whilst there they sang to the visitors and they were excellent!
The week before last the optician Richard Young, who works at Coles Opticians, came to talk to us about his time spent working as an optician in Mongolia. Every few years he returns to carry out some clinical work and he is visiting again this summer. Glasses are in very short supply in Mongolia so we are collecting any spare children’s or adult glasses for him to take with him. The collecting box is by the front office window.
Thank you very much for such a great response to Parental Consultations! Attendance was again very high and I hope that you found these meetings helpful.
Well done to the Netball team who played so well against Always Primary last Thursday. The final result was 5-0 to them and the Players of The Match were James Gray and Ellie-Jasmine Foster.
Ann Roberts and Martin Jones, from Value Added Consultancy, are again working with us on Monday. They will be with Classes 3/4M, 3/4G and 4/5B and helping them to use Pages and Numbers on the ipad.
We have worked closely with Value Added over the last two years and the children have made great progress and have impressed them. As a result, we have been asked to become an Apple Regional Training School for an event in June. This is great news and I’ll tell you more about it closer to the time.
On Tuesday morning staff from ABC Electrification will be talking to children about the closure of the Bridge Street Bridge from May for the railway work which is being done ready for the electrification of the railway track.
Its My Shout are in school on Tuesday and Wednesday this week helping children to prepare for their Pop-up Restaurant project next week as part of our Lead Creative Schools’ project.
Nursery Consultations take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children are making such good progress in the Nursery so it will be lovely for you to see the work they are doing.
Classes 3/4M and 3 /4G are going to Techniquest on Wednesday. As a school, we understand how important it is to encourage an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and visits to places such as Techniquest help with this. I know they will have a great time.
Also on Wednesday morning, Year 6 are visiting Nantcoch Church for the Easter Experience. This is an annual event for Y6 pupils and as well as finding out about the Easter Story they will have the chance to do some craft activities.
The Department of Education and the Arts Council of Wales have been so impressed with the Year 1/2 Lead Creative Schools project they have decided to make it a case study for excellent practice. As a result, representatives from the Arts Council of Wales will be visiting on Wednesday and next week a film crew from the Department of Education will be in school to film Year 1/2 children with their activities.
This is a great honour and reflects also the incredible support we have had from you in helping with this! Thank you!
Reception classes are visiting Techniquest on Thursday and, again, this should be a great visit.
Friday is Sport Relief Day and in order to raise funds for this charity, children have the chance to either wear sports kit or casual clothes for a minimum donation of 50p.
On Friday morning, Year 1/2 parents are invited to Cineworld to see a private screening of our Hungry Heroes Restaurant advert. They have received a separate letter about this. I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to come to this great event.
Class 5/6P’s Class Assembly has been postponed until Wednesday 23rd March, when they will be doing an Easter Assembly at 9.15am.
Elections and INSET Days
Our last two INSET days will be taken on the Election and Refrendum Days on Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June. This means that Sports Day will now be on the reserve date of Thursday 30th June.
Easter Hat Parade and Easter Raffle
Thank you to the Friends of St Woolos who are organising an Easter Raffle. Tickets are on sale daily from Monday, for 50p each. The draw will be on the last day of term.
Our Easter Hat Parade is on Thursday 24th March which is the last day of term. Children are asked to make an Easter Hat which they can bring to school to wear in our parade.
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to Mrs Parkinson who won a whopping £83.50 this week! Well done. If anyone else would like a number please see Mrs Kidd or Mrs Martin in the office.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan