Dear All,
The Summer Fayre on Friday was really well attended and we raised a gross total of £1139.98!
Thank you to everyone who attended, thank you very much to the Friends of St Woolos who helped beforehand and on the day and also to parents and staff for donations of gifts and prizes.
Thank you also for supporting the Nursery Welly Throw held recently. The final total is £175.00 and this money will be used to buy play items for the Nursery.
Well done to Class 1/2DJ for their lovely Class Assembly on Friday! It was good to see so many parents at our assembly and we were also joined by Mrs Mollard and Mrs Trevelyan from BHS who helped with the fundraising for the ‘Green Screen’ equipment used for the assembly.
Your child has brought home their proof photograph today. Please return orders by
Monday 22nd June. There is no obligation to buy a photo and you are able to keep your proof if you choose not to buy one.
Our Healthy Week starts today and there are a number of healthy living activities taking place.
Today, tomorrow and Friday, staff from Brace’s Bakery will be talking to classes.
Our Tracksuit Day is tomorrow and all children are invited to wear sports kit instead of uniform.
Today and Tuesday, ‘PlayLearnPlay’ will be running a series of sports workshops for all the classes.
All clubs are cancelled on Tuesday this week due to a staff meeting.
Healthy Week competition entries need to be returned by Friday.
Our Sports Day takes place on Thursday at 9.30am for Juniors and 1.30pm for Infants.
As in previous years, children will do a set of sports activities run by ‘SportsXtra’ as well as races and the approximate times for these will be posted on the noticeboard by Wednesday.
Please send your child in t-shirts of their house colour if possible. We also have coloured bands for children to wear. The house colours are:
Ebbw – Green
Usk – Yellow
Severn – Blue
Wye – Red
If it is raining on Thursday, the reserve date for Sports Day in Thursday 25th June.
Safe Cycling will continue on Thursday after school.
On Friday, Classes 3/4G, 3/4C and 4/5B will be visiting the Caerleon Roman Legionary Museum and Baths.
Staff from Duffryn High School will also be visiting classes and meeting teachers.
Healthy Living
Please remember that no smoking is allowed on school grounds. Please also do not smoke just outside the school gates but instead move away from the school. Thank you for your support of this request.
Punctuality and Attendance
There has been recent improvement in latenesss this term. Well done.
Week commencing |
13.4.15 |
20.4.15 |
27.4.15 |
5.5.15 |
11.5.15 |
18.5.15 |
1.6.15 |
8.6.15 |
Number of latenesses |
75 |
50 |
39 |
37 (Only three days in school) |
39 (No late letters issued Tuesday due to local traffic issues) |
59 (No late letters issued Thursday due to traffic issues) |
35 |
22 |
Bonus Ball
There is a roll over this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan