Dear All,

World Fortnight has been great and children have taken part in a lovely set of activities. Nursery children are having the second week of World Fortnight this week, so that all of the new Rising Three pupils can join in.

Thank you for helping your child with their questionnaires. I’m sending home a Parent Questionnaire which I would appreciate you completing so that we can evaluate the project. Please return these by Friday. (The Nursery one will be sent home next week.)

Thank you very much to parents, visitors and visiting staff who joined us during this fortnight to help us!

Thank you for sending in Christmas Cards for the Recycling Competition. We have collected a total of 4682 which will be collected by Newport Wastesavers.

The Year 5 Swimming Course is going really well and pupils have made tremendous progress in the first week!

Today, Year 3 and Year 4 pupils had separate performances of the play ‘Grow’ by Philip Michell, of Skirrid Mountain Productions. The play explores themes of friendships and choices.

Philip Michell used to be part of the very successful Gwent Theatre until it had to close, so it’s lovely to welcome him back to school in a play. He also worked with the Y1/2 children on their recent Football Fever project.

Milittlepad continued their session on coding with Year 4 pupils today. Next week, these will be extended to Year 3 pupils also. Other classes will have sessions throughout the rest of the year.

On Tuesday Upbeat Music will be taking a music session in the Nursery.

On Wednesday, Nursery are having a Dragon Day as part of their World Fortnight work on Wales.

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 1/2 classes are holding special Celebration Event at The Bisley Suite, Rodney Parade from 2.00-3.00pm, to say thank you to everyone involved with the Football Fever project. A letter has already been sent home about this and we hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us!

The GEMS Reading Café is on Wednesday and it starts at 2.45pm.

On Thursday morning, pupils in Class 3/4G are visiting Wagamama’s in Friars’ Walk as part of their World Fortnight project on Japan.

On Thursday at 5.30pm we are holding one of two meetings to let parents know more about the National Tests which will take place in May. If you are unable to come to this one, an alterntive meeting is being held on Wednesday 25th January at 2.45pm. If you are a parent of a Year 2 pupil, this meeting will be especially helpful because it is the first time your child will have taken a test.

Mrs Couch, the Deputy Head, will take the meeting and you will have the chance to see past papers and talk about how you can help your child.

Code Club is starting again on Thursday lunchtime for the next set of pupils. (We were unable to start it last week.) We hope to train up some more volunteers to run this project after Easter, and I will let you know more details when I can.

Class 3/4M (Mr Saunders) have their Class Assembly on Friday at 9.15am. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us.

Diary Dates 

The Diary Dates sheet and a termly Topic Letter were given out last week. Spare copies are available from the office.

Please note that INSET days are always on the Diary Dates sheet and also on several newsletters beforehand so that you are always kept up to date. You can also see our newsletter on our website every week (

National Tests

The testing period is from Wednesday 3rd May until Wednesday 10th May and this includes a catch up period for pupils who miss the test as a result of illness.

No holiday can be authorised between Monday 24th April and Wednesday 26th May because of testing and assessment commitments for pupils.

Bonus Ball

There is another rollover this week.

Yours faithfully,

H Vaughan
