Dear Parent,
Thank you for supporting Children in Need on Friday! We raised a total of £165.75 Thank you also to Mrs Kidd and Mrs Martin for the Cha Cha dance sessions. Fab!
Mrs Dickenson’s Reception class did their very first Class Assembly last week and it was lovely! Well done! Thank you for supporting them.
I’d like to say well done to last year’s Class 5/6P who did so well at the Senedd in Cardiff last week! Well done also to Classes 5/6P and 5/6W who sang so well on the opening day for Friars’ Walk! Thank you very much also to parents and family members who accompanied us to this event and the one at Caerleon. It was lovely also to see so many parents supporting us.
A final well done goes to the Year 5 pupils from Class 4/5B who took part in a Take Over Day at Caerleon Roman Legionary Museum on Thursday and who wrote and acted in a film which will be used as a teaching resource by the museum. They were on the ITV news at tea time and they, and all of the pupils who took part in events last week, made us very proud.
Our Junior Enterprise week starts today.
Ann Roberts and Martin Jones from Value Added Education have spent the day with us today with Year 5 in the morning and Year 6 in the afternoon. The children have been learning about ‘Green Screen’ techniques for film making.
Tony Bujeya from Nant Coch Church is taking the assembly tomorrow. He regularly visits schools in the Newport and surrounding area and has been coming to St Woolos for over twenty years.
An audiologist is visiting the Nursery on Tuesday afternoon to carry out some hearing tests.
Joe’s Sensory Gym continues on Wednesday for Nursery pupils.
The Reception/Year 1 Family Learning Literacy Course continues on Thursday morning from 9.00-11.00am.
Class 3/4G are visiting Newport Wastesavers on Thursday as part of their topic work on recycling.
On Thursday afternoon, the pupils who took part in the activity at Caerleon Roman Legionary Museum have been invited to attend the launch of a Communities First Heritage Project at Pillgwenlly Millennium Centre which will be attended by Mr Ken Skates AM, who is the Deputy Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Tourism.
The Junior Enterprise Sale takes place this Thursday from 3.00-4.00pm in the top hall. Each of the classes will be selling their items and persuading you to visit their shop and I hope that you will be able to join us for that. Each class will use the profit they make to buy something for their classroom.
The Nursery Literacy/Number and Play course continues this Friday with sessions from 9.30-11.10am or 1.00-3.00pm. The group will do special Christmas learning activities on Friday 27th November and Friday 4th December.
Nursery Gates
When the Nursery gates are open and you are on the yard, please remember that it is your responsibility to supervise your child until the start of the Nursery session.
Christmas Fayre
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help either before the Fayre or on the day. If you haven’t had a chance to let us know that you can do this, please complete the attached form and give it to your child for their teacher. On Tuesday 24th November we have our ‘Tombola Tuesday’ when children can wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing in an item for the tombola such as tinned foods, bubble bath and sweets etc. We also welcome any donations of raffle prizes (Thank you for ones we have already had.)
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to Mrs Jennings.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan