Dear All,
The clubs running in school are shown on the chart below:
Milittlepad (Junior – Paying) | Creative (Infant)
Football (Junior) Healthy Cookery (J) Craft (J) Music (J) |
Playground games (I)
Story (I) Netball (J) |
Choir (J- Lunchtime) |
(Parents welcome) |
The Year 5 Swimming Course at Spytty finishes on Friday and children have made great progress.
Year 1/2 visit Bistro Pierre on Tuesday morning as part of their project work on foods from different countries. They have also learned about what it’s like to work in a restaurant. All of these visits are part of the planning in place for our Y1/2 Lead Creative Schools project.
‘Value Added’ ipad training are working with Class 3/4G, 3/4M and 4/5B on Tuesday also. They are showing them how to make the most of QR codes.*
‘Value Added’ are also working in school with staff on Wednesday so each member of staff will be out of the class for half a day while training takes place.
The Y2/3 Parent Literacy/Numeracy Course continues on Thursday and it is from 9.15 to 11.15am. If you were unable to attend the last session, then you are welcome to join us for the next few weeks or to come along and see if it’s helpful for you. Refreshments will be available and you will be able to spend some time working alongside your child.
The Reception Hearing Screening also takes place on Thursday.
Class 1/2VS have their Class Assembly on Friday morning at 9.15am and they will be telling you the facts they have learned about Spain, amongst other things. I hope that you can join us for this!
Christmas Card Competition
Thank you for sending these in. We’ll let you know any news about the competition, when we have it.
World Week
Children learned lots of things during World Week.
In order to help us continue to develop this project week in the future, chidren will be bringing home a World Week questionnaire to complete. If your child is in the Foundation Phase, please help fill it in for them if they need you to. They also have a questionnaire for you to complete, if you have the time. It will helpful for us to know what children have remembered and told you about. Please return all questionnaires by Friday.
School Gates
Please do not smoke when waiting at the beginning and end of a Nursery session. Please also do not block the staff car park. Last week a member of staff was unable to remove their car to go to a hospital appointment because they had been blocked in by a parent.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week!
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan