Dear Parent/Guardian,
Year 6 pupils had a great time in Talybont Residential Centre last week! Thank you to Miss Watkins, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Graham and Mrs Jarrett who accompanied them and stayed over for various parts of the trip.
Mr Kelvin Reddicliffe was unable to come to last week’s assembly but will join us in a few weeks. I will let you know more details about the Chartist Jigsaw Competition when I have them.
Our school has Fairtrade status and we are holding a Fairtrade Week, this week. Children will be taking part in separate home competitions in the Foundation Phase and Key Stage Two.
On Tuesday, Reception classes will be beginning a series of six Drumming Workshops led by Mr Glyn Watkins from Upbeat Music.
In the Wednesday morning assembly we will be presenting certificates to parents who have completed a number of recent Family Learning courses at school.
We will be joined in our assembly by Mrs Ann Green, who has run the Family Learning service in Newport and has recently retired, and Mrs Helen Davies, our Family Learning teacher.
There are also several visits planned on Wednesday.
Year 1/2 classes are walking to Pets at Home throughout the day, for some pet workshops.
In the morning, Class 4/5B are taking part in a Golf Activity Workshop at Friars’ Walk, organised by NewportLive (Newport City Council).
Year 3 pupils are visiting St Julians Methodist Church, on Caerleon Road, in the afternoon, to see an exhibition of knitted scenes from Bible stories in the Old and New Testament (similar to our knitted Nativity). This exhibition is also open to the general public this week and Saturday with proceeds going to St David’s Foundation.
At 3.00pm on Wednesday afternoon, Catherine Dunn and Andrew Morton from the SHARE Centre, will be holding a meeting to explain about the new free Breakfast Club that will start after half term. This meeting is open to everyone, even if you do not initially want to use the service.
At Thursday breaktime, all children will be given a Fairtrade hot chocolate drink.
The Eco Team are running a pop-up Fairtrade Café on Thursday afternoon from 2.15pm. All coffee and tea is free and will be served by pupils to raise awareness of Fairtrade. It would be lovely if you could join us for this, even if you could only stay for a short time. (Children will be running a Fairtrade raffle.)
On Friday morning, Class 1/2MS are holding their class assembly. This will start at 9.15am and I hope that parents and grandparents can join us for this.
AEN Coffee Morning
A Coffee Morning will be held on Thursday 28th April from 9.00am for any parents who have children with additional needs, or those who would like to find out more about Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Dyscalculia. Mrs Paula Halsall, the Curriculum Improvement Advisor for Additional Educational Needs, will be at this coffee morning, and she, together with Miss Bishop, will answer any questions you may have.
National Tests
The National Tests for pupils in Years 2-6 take place from Tuesday 3rd May to Friday 6th May and there are an additional two days for catch up testing on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th May. (Aplogies for the misleading information last week.)
Diary Dates and Topic Letters
A Diary Dates Sheet and Class Topic Letter for the Summer term accompany this newsletter.
There might be additional events added during the term if we have the opportunity to take part in something and these will always be in the weekly newsletter.
INSET Days: Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June.
Bridge Street Bridge
Please remember that Bridge Street Bridge will be closed to traffic from 3rd May until late 2016. The bridge will be replaced as part of Network Rail’s work to prepare for the electrification of the railway track.
Chartwells Catering
Chartwells Catering Service have appointed an additional member of catering staff at school to operate a till at lunchtime. This system started last week and it’s good to have it back again after a gap of several years. Welcome to Mrs Kilford-King who is the new member of staff. She joins Mrs Anthony and Mrs Channing, who are cooks in the kitchen.
Our attendance is currently 93.5% and we are on course to exceed our target of
93.9% which is great news! Thank you for your continued support for this.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan