Dear Parent/Carer,
Well done to Class 4/5B on their lovely Class Assembly on Friday!
Year 6 had a great time in Talybont Outdoor Pursuits Centre last week even though they got very wet and muddy at times! Thank you to staff who accompanied them on this trip.
Minecraft sessions in Years 3 and 4 continue today.
Reception vision tests take place on Tuesday and the Y1 Dental Survey also takes place.
This week Newport County Football is taking place for 4/5B on Tuesday.
The Year 6 Transition project takes place on Wednesday.
The Communities First After School Club for children in Years 5 and 6 runs every Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm at the SHARE Centre just up the hill from the school. (Sessions cost 50p for the two hours.)
Mr Roberts is running an after school Safe Cycling Course for pupils in Year 6, starting on Thursday. Pupils attending must have a road worthy bike and a helmet. Further details are on a separate letter going home with Year 6 pupils tonight.
Class 3/4C have their Class Assembly on Friday morning and I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to attend. It starts at 9.15am and will be on the top floor.
We break up on Friday for half term and the school and nursery resume on Monday 1st June.
School Mobile Phone
If you would like to send a TEXT message about your child’s absence, the school mobile phone number is 07541 644956.
Fund Raising
The total raised for Nepal was £366.25 and for Velindre Hospital £139.90. Thank you.
Mr Kelvin Reddicliffe, who donated two large Chartist prints to the school, and a further set of small prints for fundraising for St Anne’s Hospice and St David’s Foundation (Newport Hospice), has given us a further limited edition Chartist canvas print to raffle in aid of the Nepal Earthquake appeal. (This print comes with verification that Oliver Budd has approved its use. Look on Twitter @StWoolosPrimary to see what it is like.)
Tickets are available for a cost of 50p and will be on sale every break time this week. The draw will be on Friday afternoon.
Punctuality and Attendance
Week commencing |
13.4.15 |
20.4.15 |
27.4.15 |
5.5.15 |
11.5.15 |
Number of latenesses |
75 |
50 |
39 |
37 (but only three days) |
39 (No late letters issued Tuesday due to local traffic issues) |
Latenesses for this half term so far are:
Please continue to help with this.
Diary Dates
Spare copies of this are available from the office. A copy is also in the noticeboard on the Infant yard.
A reminder about our last INSET day- Monday 8th June
Mrs Lord
Mrs Lord, our school cook, will be retiring on Friday. We will all be very sad to see her go but are also pleased for her now that she will have the chance to enjoy her retirement. I would like to thank her for her commitment and warm-heartedness towards all of the pupils at St Woolos Primary School in the seven years that she has been here. We will be saying goodbye to Mrs Lord in the Class Assembly on Friday and I know that she will be greatly missed!
Eco tip
Turn your thermostat down now that the weather is getting warmer.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan