Dear Parent,
Well done to Class 5/6W for their lovely class assembly on Friday!
This week is quite a busy one!
Today Y5 children in Classes 5/6W and 5/6P are visiting the 1940’ Museum in Swansea.
Also today, Y6 pupils are taking part in Crucial Crew, in Cardiff. This is a programme run by the police and other agencies to help Y6 pupils make safe choices as they grow older.
This afternoon, Y1/2 pupils took part in a samba and dance ‘Creative Concert’ at The Leisure Centre. When they visited the Post Office last Wednesday they posted surprise invitations to their parents so they were very excited about it! Thank you to parents who supported their child at this afternoon’s event.
Tomorrow, Y6 pupils are taking part in a Show Racism the Red Card project at Rodney Parade.
Also on Tuesday afternoon, Ms Bishop will be accompanying two pupils drawn from her class, to join in with the burying of a time capsule at Friars’ Walk.
Parental Consultations take place on Tuesday from 3.45-7.00pm and on Wednesday from 3.45-5.30pm. These are very important meetings and I hope that as many of you as possible are able to attend. Attendance for these meetings normally averages around 95% which is really good and reflects your support for your child’s education.
A member of staff from Duffryn High School will be at Tuesday’s meeting on the top hall to answer any questions you have and staff from Newport’s Family Information Service will be at Wednesday’s meeting. Mrs Couch will be in the middle hall on both days to answer any questions you may have about the national tests in Reading and Numeracy.
Children are not expected to attend these consultations but if you do not have a baby sitter, a DVD will be running in the Nursery. Please take children home from school first though before coming for your appointment if it is later. It will not be possible to leave your child in the Nursery for an hour or so before your appointment starts because we cannot fit every child in at the same time.
Please help us by collecting your child as soon as your appointments have finished.
Because of Parental Consultations, clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday are cancelled, (with the exception of Football on Tuesday which is run by a coach).
Story Club on Thursday is also cancelled because Miss Spearey has an after-school course to attend.
On Thursday, the second session in our Family Learning Reception/Year 1 Family Learning Literacy Course takes place. It was good to see so many parents joining us for the first session!
On Thursday Y6 children in Classes 5/6W and 5/6P are visiting the 1940s museum in Swansea.
On Thursday morning at 9.15am we are holding our regular Coffee Morning for parents who want to ask anything about the additional support their child has in school. Mrs Bevan, who runs the Junior booster sessions, will also be joining us for this. Tea or coffee and biscuits will be served.
There is an INSET Day on Friday and the School and Nursery will be closed.
Your support for Nursery Language and Play means that it will continue after half term and will become Number and Play after a final language session. New members are welcome.
Nursery Consultations will take place on Tuesday 3rd November and Wednesday 4th November. Please sign up for your appointment in the Nursery.
No Smoking
Thank you for respecting my request about not smoking on or near school grounds.
Please remember that the only medicine that we can give your child is prescription medicine. You will need to complete forms from the office.
Children are not allowed to self-medicate by bringing in over the counter throat sweets and staff cannot administer Calpol etc.
However, if your child has sore lips because of a cold and needs a lipsalve, then if you write a note, your child will be able to use it. The lipsalve must be kept with your child’s class teacher though to avoid cross-use between children.
Class 4/5B Assembly
This I postponed from Friday November 6th and will now take place on Friday 15 January.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan