Dear Parent or Carer,

Apologies for disturbing you this evening but I wanted to give you some information in advance of the Estyn Inspection, which starts on Monday.

This is a timeline of events next week:


12.00pmInspectors arrive, have meeting and tour the school
3.40pmInspectors meet with staff
3.45pmInspectors hold a Parent/Carers Meeting in the middle hall. This is a very important meeting.
Please come if you can.
We’ll show a film in the Nursery (like Parental Consultations) if you want to leave your child because they can’t join the meeting.)
4.00pmInspectors meet with Ceri Meloy (Chair) and Mark Tucker (Vice Chair)

Tuesday and Wednesday

8.15amInspectors will be at Breakfast Club and at the school gates later to see how pupils arrive and whether they are punctual.
They may ask you some questions, and these questions will be designed to help them find out as much as they can about the school, so please help them in any way you can.
Inspectors will visit all the classes and meet groups of pupils.


1.00pmInspectors feed back to the Vice Chair (in the Chair’s absence) and I. There will also be a senior advisor present from the South East Wales Education Achievement Service.)

The final report will come out during the summer holidays and I’ll let you know when it’s due out.

We had a very positive meeting last Friday to talk about ideas for raising money for Latch, the children’s cancer charity, in memory of Mehtab Talukdar.

The first event that we will do is to hold a Crazy Day on Friday 26th May, the day after our Inspection finishes. Children can wear crazy clothes (inside out etc), crazy shoes (odd shoes, boots etc) or crazy hair and can bring in a contribution of 50p for Latch. It’s fine to not send in any money though if it’s difficult for you at the moment, and children can still wear crazy clothes or shoes etc if you’d like them to.

We’re hoping that someone from Latch will be able to join us for our assembly next week.

You will also receive an updated Diary Dates sheet and these will be given out next Monday. (A copy will also come out via Schoop)

Have a lovely weekend!😊

Very kind regards,
H L Vaughan