Dear All,
The Gamelan Workshop from Upbeat Music and Arts was really enjoyable and the Junior classes put together a lovely concert on Friday, demonstrating what they had learned during the week. They were great! It was lovely also to see so many adults who had come to watch. Thank you. Big thanks also go to Clarry and Nathan from Upbeat who worked so hard with the children during the week.
Milittlepad worked with Classes 5/6W and 5/6P today. They are using a device called Sphero to do basic computer coding and they will be with the classes next week also.
Tomorrow, Classes 3/4G and M will be taking part in a Spy Day run by Sports Xtra. They will do some class-based and outdoor adventurous activities based around the theme of detection, as part of their curriculum.
’Value Added’ training will be working with Year 1/2 classes on Wednesday to develop the use of the app ‘Pages’, on the ipad.
Martin Jones, who, together with Ann Roberts, runs Value Added, is one of only 2,500 Apple-accredited facilitators worldwide. Value Added have been working with the school for nearly two years now and their training for staff and pupils is always excellent.
On Wednesday after school, a six week Year 6 Golf Club will start, run by staff from ‘NewportLive’, which is Newport City Council’s sports and leisure section.
The Y2/3 Parent Literacy/Numeracy Course continues on Thursday from 9.15 to 11.15am. We have had some suggestions for future courses that would be of interest to you such as ways to teach spelling and maths to your child so we will let you know more about these in the summer term.
Assembly Dates
Dates for assemblies this term are now:
Class 3/4M Friday 12th February
Class 5/6P Friday 18th March
National Tests
The National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 will take place from Tuesday May 3rd to Tuesday May 10th. No holidays will be authorised during that period of time.
SHARE Centre
Two eight week couses are starting at the SHARE Centre tomorrow which you might be interested in.
Play and Development – Level 1 Credit 3 – 9.30-11.30am
Introduction to Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools – Level 2 Credit 3 – 12.30pm-2.30pm
Contact Catherine Dunn at the SHARE Centre for more details (01633 12782).
Breakfast Club
There was a good response to the recent consultation forms you filled in about a Breakfast Club at the SHARE Centre. They are following up on this now and we will be working with them to help establish this.
Road Closure at Stow Hill
Wales and West Utilities will be working on Stow Hill, at the junction of Victoria Place, from 3.2.16 to 12.2.16 and during this time, the road will be closed. If you are in walking distance of the school and usually drive your child, it might make it easier for you to walk during this time because we are anticipating heavy traffic problems for the next few days.
You can contact Wales and the West’s Customer Enquiry Team on 02902 278901 or Freephone on 0800 9122 999. You can also email for more information.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week!
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan