Dear Parent/Guardian,
Thank you for supporting Sport Relief on Friday! We collected a total of £130.45 for this charity.
Well done to the Netball Team who played so well at a Netball Tournament on Wednesday at The Newport Centre! They were great sports and excellent representatives of the school.
Similarly, classes who visited Techniquest last week were extremely well-behaved and were praised by staff working there. Your children are always a credit to you whenever we take them out.
Last Friday, Y1 and 2 pupils went to Cineworld to see the premiere of their advert for their Hungry Heroes Pop-up Restaurant which is running tonight and tomorrow. The five minute documentary about the process was a lovely bonus surprise for us to see. It was a fantastic morning and an incredible experience for everyone there! It was lovely also that so many parents joined us to share in this event ?
We are all very gateful to the film production company ‘It’s My Shout’ who have been working so closely with Y1 and 2 children as part of our Lead Creative Schools project, which is funded by The Arts Council for Wales. They have really worked so well with the children and have been lovely colleagues to work with.
I’d also like to thank Foundation Phase Leader Miss Spray and all of the Y1 and 2 staff for working so incredibly hard to make this project such a success.
Thank you very much also to all the staff who have supported and helped in the background over the past few weeks and who are volunteering to help at the restaurant either tonight or tomorrow.
Naoimi, Becky, Ellis and Owen from It’s My Shout joined us in school today and they, together with Roger Burrell, the owner of It’s My Shout, will be at the restaurant on both nights enjoying their meal. Monday’s Hungry Heroes Pop-up Restaurant will be opened by the Mayor, Councillor Herbie Thomas and the Mayoress, Ms Jacqueline Mitchell. The footballer Nathan Blake will be attending on both nights and Tuesday’s Hungry Heroes Pop-up Restautant will be opened by the managers of Nando’s, Bistrot Pierre and the Drago Lounge.
These restaurant nights are the culmination of our project. It has been so successful that is one of nine projects from across Wales which have been recognised as very good practice and a film crew from The Arts Council for Wales will be at Monday’s restaurant opening.
It’s My Shout are also keen to continue the relationship with the school and will be joining us for a final event for Y1 and 2 pupils in the summer term when we show the adverts and film for children and parents at a special performance at The Riverfront. It’s My Shout are also happy to support our Aspiration Project about the world of work in the future.
There are no clubs this week apart from Football on Tuesday and Year 5/6 Golf on Wednesday.
Class 5/6P’s Class Assembly is on Wednesday at 9.15am. You are welcome to join us for this assembly which will be on the top floor.
Our Easter Hat Parade will take place on Thursday and children are welcome to wear any hat which they have decorated with an Easter theme.
We will also do our Easter Draw on Thursday morning. Tickets will be on sale until then at 50p each. Thank you very much to the Friends of St Woolos for organising this and for funding some of the prizes. Thank you also to Tesco Extra, Maesglas who donated some Easter gifts and also staff who donated many of the Easter egg prizes.
We break up on Thursday because Friday is Good Friday.
School and Nursery will resume on Monday 11th April, which will mark the start of Book Week, when children will do lots of related book activities.
Elections and INSET Days
Our last two INSET days will be taken on the Election and Referendum Days on Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June. This means that Sports Day will now be on the reserve date of Thursday 30th June.
Dinner Money
Please can all outstanding dinner money be paid at the school office before the end of term.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Last week’s win was large because we have several spare numbers. If you would like to join us in this weekly competition, please ask at the office.
Mrs Ramzan
Congratulations and best wishes to Mrs Ramzan who gave birth to a baby boy, Zayn, recently- 7lbs 3oz. Both mother and baby are doing well and we’re looking forward to meeting him!
I wish you a very Happy Easter and a very enjoyable break.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan