Dear All,
Congratulations to Bess Lale and Naomi Parsons who won our half termly Early Bird attendance and punctuality award! They each receive a £5.00 WH Smith giftcard.
This is the second week of our Welsh fortnight.
Well done to everyone who has already brought in a Welsh crown for the craft competition. Every pupil bringing in a crown will get five house points. All items must be in by this Friday.
The Lead Creative School project has started this week and on Monday and Tuesday pupils in Classes 1/2MVS, 1/2MS and 1/2DJ are working with Naomi, Becky and Ellis from ‘It’s My Shout’.
Milittlepad worked with Class 4/5B this afternoon.
Football Club is on, as normal, after school tomorrow.
The Internet Safety Meeting for parents takes place tomorrow at 6.00pm. It will be taken by PC Tracy Thomas and is open to parents and grandparents. I hope that many of you will be able to come to this session which will give you lots of helpful information about the ways you can safeguard your child online.
On Wednesday, as part of their Lead Creative School project, pupils in Y1/2 classes are visiting the Capital FM studios in Cardiff Bay. This is the very first time that Capital FM have ever had a primary school visit so we are very lucky to be going there. Whilst in the Bay, the children will also visit Techniquest.
On Wednesday afternoon, ‘PlayLearnPlay’ will begin a series of visits to work with Classes 3/4G and 3/4M.
The Wednesday after school Year 6 Golf Club, run by staff from ‘NewportLive’, continues this week.
The Y2/3 Literacy/Numeracy Course continues on Thursday from 9.15 to 11.15am. This course has been extended by one more week to finish on Thursday 3rd March, which is World Book Day.
On Thursday afternoon, Class 4/5B will be taking part in a Lantern Making Workshop, ready for the Chartist Lantern Parade which will take place on Saturday 5th March, from 5.00pm.
The Netball Team are playing an after school away match at Alway Primary School on Thursday. As a result, there will be no Netball Club for those younger children not taking part.
All items for the Eisteddfod Competition must be in by Friday.
National Tests
The National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 will take place from Tuesday May 3rd to Tuesday May 10th. No holidays will be authorised during that period of time. (Thursday 5th May is an INSET day.).
Please note that the Reception doors at the back, and the main side door, will open at 8.45am. Doors will be shut at 8.50am which is the official start of the school day. Pupils must be in by then because the registers are called at 8.55am. This means that children start work early in the morning.
If the Reception doors are shut at 8.50am because school has started, you will need to bring your child to the main office entrance. This also applies to the Nursery. A change in the Nursery timetable means that staff will be working with focussed groups first thing in the morning and afternoon, so if you arrive ten minutes late, after 9.20am or 12.55pm you will also need to bring your child to the main entrance.
It is important that all children, including Nursery pupils, get into the habit of being on time.
One of the recommendations from our inspection was for parents to improve punctuality and I know that the vast majority of you are helping so I’d like to thank you for your continued support with this.
Sainsbury’s Vouchers
We are collecting Sainsbury’s vouchers again. These are a great way of getting extra equipment so it would be really helpful if you would ask any family and friends to let us have theirs if they are not collecting them.
Bonus Ball
There is yet another rollover this week! We have some spare numbers if anyone is interested in joining this.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan