Dear All,
Our Healthy Week last week was very busy an Sports Day went really well. We were joined by Sports Xtra who ran activities on both yards for us. Thank you to parents and grandparents who joined us during the day to support the children. It was lovely to see such a great turnout.
The children’s behaviour was great and special mention goes to the house captains and vice captains below who did such a tremendous job on the day organising their houses!
EBBW Lara Pinto Lucas Weeks Fatima Usman Luis Bartolon
SEVERN Kamala Padilha Zion Campbell Iqra Jethwa Luke Wickens
USK Wasima Uddin Ellis Briggs Taylor Heard Alfie Ottery
WYE Tasiane Tchatchoua Dylan Clayden Asmaa Hassan Nabil Hail
The winners of the Healthy Week competition to design a cricket bat will be announced tomorrow.
It was lovely to welcome back past pupil Dr Simon Driscoll PhD (and brother of Miss Driscoll who was also a pupil here) who talked to Class 5/6P and 5/6BC on Friday about his physics research and life as a student at Cardiff, Reading and then Oxford.
It is always lovely to hear what past pupils are doing so if you know any past pupils who might at some time like to talk to our pupils about their job, please ask them to get in touch with us. Similarly, if you would like to help us with our Aspiration Project by talking to children about your job next school year, please let me know. We try to make these talks as informal as possible and children always enjoy hearing about the world of work.
Classes 3/4C, G and 4/5B had a really good time on their visit to Caerleon Roman Legionary Museum on Friday and they enjoyed being history detectives. I’m looking forward to hearing about what they have discovered!
Year 5 pupils have been busy practising today for their Cluster Transition Concert on Wednesday and today Mrs Gifford-Berry came in to do her final rehearsal with them.
Foundation Phase children saw some baby chicks today that were brought into school. They are finding out how to prepare for our eggs to hatch in the next few weeks.
Also today, Class 4/5B had a Turkish Workshop today which told children about life in Turkey. This was run by Mrs Lane, Mrs Pullen and Mrs Alessandrini who are teachers from GEMS.
A series of four Garage Band ipad workshops start this Monday and Tuesday for children in Classes 5/6BC and P. They are run by Upbeat Music.
The Reception classes are visiting Cattle Country in Gloucestershire on Tuesday. The weather report looks good so it should be a great trip!
Tomorrow after school the St Woolos Thinkers are giving a presentation to Governors about research methods. They will also be talking about their library research in assembly in the morning.
The Year 5 Cluster Transition Concert takes place at Duffryn High School on Wednesday at 4.30pm. Year 5 parents are asked to return their forms by Tuesday.
The Y2 Parent Numeracy workshop that was due to take place on Friday will now take place on Thursday instead. It will run from 9.15-10.15am and parents of children in Year 2 are invited to attend this workshop which will tell them about some of the things that your child will be learning in Year 3.
Safe Cycling will continue on Thursday after school. There is no Drama Club on Thursday because I will be at a meeting outside school.
The Class 1/2E Assembly has been postponed from Friday and a new date will be confirmed as soon as possible.
I’m sorry about the inconvenience that these two changes of dates may have caused.
Punctuality and Attendance
The improvement in attendance has continued and I’m really pleased to say that we have currently reached our target of 94% which is an excellent acheivement!
Please continue to help lateness figures improve.
It is really important that we are able to maintain our attendance for the end of the year so please help us by ensuring that days are only missed a result of illness or pre-approved cirumstances. We will not be breaking up until Monday 20th July and your child ‘s mark on that day will also count.
Week commencing |
13.4.15 |
20.4.15 |
27.4.15 |
5.5.15 |
11.5.15 |
18.5.15 |
1.6.15 |
8.6.15 |
15.6.15 |
Number of latenesses |
75 |
50 |
39 |
37 |
39 |
59 |
36 |
22 |
45 |
Please return orders by tomorrow.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan