Dear Parent/Carer,

This is a quiet week. Today Dragon Rugby were in for Cl 1/2J.

Parental Consultations take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. They are a very important opportunity for you to see

your child’s work and to discuss their progress with their teacher.

Every parent has been given an appointment and so we look forward to seeing you all.

Mr Godsall is currently ill, so his appointments for tomorrow and Wednesday will be transferred to Tuesday 7th and

Wednesday 8th November. You may keep the same times. I’m very sorry about the inconvenience this may cause.

This year we are trialling a slightly different system for pupils in Year 1 upwards, with staff tables being in the hall, for you to speak with them. You will still be able to find your child’s work on the bench or chairs where you can wait and you will also be able to look around the classroom. This will give you more chance to see what your child’s class have been working on.

A questionnaire will be shared with you about school in general and you will also have the chance to provide feedback on the new process to help us review its effectiveness.

(Nursery Consultations will be on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November, in the day time.) A film will be running in the Nursery for childcare during your appointment time, to help you.

The Stow Hill Pantry will be open on Wednesday from 3.15-3.45pm. it will not be open in the half term. However, if you would like to collect a bag of essential on Friday from the office, please ring to let us know.

The registration process will alter slightly after half term so that we can support everyone who needs help equally. Please contact the office at any time if you are in crisis.

We break up on Friday for our half term and school resumes on Monday 6th November.

Fruit Tuck

A reminder that after half term the cost of fruit tuck will rise to 30p per item. However, you are more than welcome to send in with your child your own choice of fruit.

Attendance and Punctuality

Thank you to those parents who have made an improvement with their child’s punctuality.


I hope that you have a lovely half term week.

Very kind regards,

H Vaughan Headteacher