Dear Parent,
Thank you to the Friends of St Woolos who have been helping us and also visiting local businesses for prizes for our Christmas Fayre on Friday! Thank you also to parents and staff who have sent in items for the raffle!
Raffle tickets will be sale in the Nursery and also every breaktime in school. They are 50p a strip. Some of the prizes are on display in the hall. Two of the items to be won are food hampers which are put together with donations from staff.
Tomorrow is ‘Tombola Tuesday’. Children are able to wear casual clothes if they bring in an item such as tinned food/ bubble bath/ chocolate for our Tombola stall at the Fayre.
On Wednesday morning, Year 3 pupils are visiting Nant Coch Church for a ‘Christmas Unwrapped’ activity session which local schools are attending this week. Mrs Kemp and Mrs Peterson (from Bethesda Baptist Church) who run our Discovery Club will also be helping with this. In previous years it has always been an excellent morning and I’m sure that everyone will really enjoy it.
Our Reception/ Year 1 Numeracy/Literacy Family Learning course continues on Thursday at 9.00am. Each session finishes with the chance for you to do an activity with your child, and they have loved joining in with these! Next Thursday’s session will be the last (3rd December).
The Nursery Language/ Number and Play course continues on Friday morning at 9.15 and in the afternoon at 1.00pm. Next week’s session will be the last one and the focus will be Christmas activities. Another Language and Play course will run in 2016 for parents of new ‘Rising Three’ pupils who are joining us so if you haven’t been able to attend ths current course, you may want to join us for the one in the Spring.
On Friday morning, all the Nursery children are meeting at 10.00 at Belle Vue Park. This is always a very special visit! There is no afternoon Nursery.
The Christmas Fayre takes place on Friday 27th November from 3.45pm. Thank you very much indeed to all parents and grandparents who have offered to help so far! Any more offers of help will be very welcome!
Thank you for items sent in for prizes so far. If you have any cakes, samosas, pakoras etc, please send them in on the day.
The Fayre will start at 3.45pm so that all children can be dismissed from their classes first and staff can get to the hall for the stalls.
Please join the queue by the front entrance.
Parents of pupils in Class 3/4C, 3/4G and 4/5B are reminded to wait outside the gates so that the area is uncrowded and safer for the pupils who are leaving.
Any child not collected in time on Friday afternoon will be taken to the Nursery to wait for parents because the hall is very crowded once the Fayre starts.
Father Christmas will be joining us at our Fayre and will be with us until 5.00 pm when the draw will start.
A reminder about concert dates in December:
Y1/2 Concert – Wed 2nd Dec.2.00pm
Reception Concert – Fri 4th Dec. 2.00pm
Nursery Concerts – Weds 9th Dec. 10.30am/2.00pm
Junior Concerts – Thurs 10th Dec. and Fri 11th Dec. 2.00pm
Please remember that no babies or children younger than Nursery age will be able to attend our concerts so that all pupils can have the best chance at performing without interruptions.
Spare copies of the Diary Dates sheet are available from the office if you need one at any time
Eco Tip
Use LED Christmas lights whenever possible.
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to Mrs Stacey, who is this weeks’ winner!
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan
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