Dear Parent,
Well done to Y2 and Classes 3/4B, 3/5G and 4/5B who sang and behaved so well inside and outside BHS last Thursday! They had lots of compliments from BHS staff, the police and from passers by. Thank you also to parents and grandparents for great support!
As you know, we do a lot of charity fundraising so it was great to have support from our PCSOs Claire and Owen, also BHS to fundraise for us. We are also very grateful to all the local business listed who provided prizes for the tremendous raffle or donations. Once I have their details, I will let you know.
Although the final total hasn’t been confirmed at the time of writing this newsletter, we know that it will be over £400. Therefore we will use this money to buy ‘Green Screen’ equipment to enable us to use ipads to make our own stories and films (Look at our Twitter feed to see what staff did with this equipment last Monday on our in-school INSET- @StWoolosPrimary.)
The Chartist imovie Trailer Premiere with Class 5/6P takes place tonight at the Museum. It will open especially for invited parents and guests invited by the pupils and the event is being run by the pupils themselves. Class 5/6P have created a trailer about the Chartist March which will become part of the Museum’s Chartist display and we are really thrilled to have been invited to take part with this. The children have written letters inviting staff also and I know that the children will have a great time tonight.
Reception and Class 3/4G have been learning African Drumming with Glen Williams and on Tuesday morning, Class 3/4G parents have been invited into school at 9.15am to listen to what they have learned in such a short time.
The final Rap/Hip Hop music workshop with Class 4/5B takes place on Wednesday.
On Wednesday afternoon, House Captains have been invited to go to BHS to be presented with the cheque from the CPSO and BHS fundraising.
Our Easter Hat Parade takes place on Thursday morning. Children are invited to decorate Easter hats or caps to show other children in the school. (Thank you to the Friends of St Woolos and for everyone who donated to the Mother’s Day Stall. Money raised has paid for cream eggs for the pupils.)
Ceri Gifford- Berry continues her singing sessions with infants on Friday afternoon.
We break up on Friday for the Easter holidays so I’d like to wish you a happy and peaceful Easter.
School resumes on Monday 13th April, which is the first day of the Year 5 swimming course.
Attendance and Punctuality
A reminder about door times.
After Easter, the side door will shut at 8.50am which is the official start of the school day.
Thank you for the continued improvement!
Office messages and money first thing in the morning
Thank you for helping with the request to limit visits to the office. Please send all money and forms in with your child so that their teacher has an immediate record of them.
Family Learning
Congratulations to all the parents who took part in the Family Learning courses and who passed! We will have a special presentation on Tuesday 14th April (just after Easter) and would love it if you could join us at 9.15am to receive your certificate. Mrs Helen Davies will be joining us for this.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan