Dear All,
Well done to Year 5 who finished their Swimming Course last week. We were all so impressed by their hard work and determination during the course and they all did so well!
Well done also to Class 1/2VS who did such an informative class assembly on Spain!
This week is very busy one in the Juniors. All week they are taking part in a Gamelan Project which is being led by Upbeat Music and Arts. They will also be making shadow puppets and headdresses, ready for their performance on Friday afternoon. (Gamalan music originates from Bali and Java, in Indonesia.)
Classes 4/5B, 5/6P and 5/6W also took part in special Space Workshops today run by staff from Techniquest. They were finding out more about Tim Peake’s technical work.
(We are following @astro_timpeake on Twitter and you can see some film he posted. If you look at our website,, you will also be able to see this.)
Milittlepad also worked with Classes 5/6W and 5/6P today. They are using a device called Sphero which will help them to start basic computer coding.
It is Holocaust Memorial Day on Wednesday. In the morning, Mrs Couch and I will be taking the House Captains to Newport Cathedral for Newport’s annual Holocaust Memorial Service.
The Y2/3 Parent Literacy/Numeracy Course continues on Thursday from 9.15 to 11.15am. The children are enjoying joining you for their activities!
On Friday afternoon at 2.30pm, Junior children will be performing a small concert showcasing what they have learned this week in their Gamelan Workshop. Parents and grandparents are invited to attend this.
Christmas Card Competition
We collected a total of 6193 cards!
World Week
Thank you for helping with the questionnaires. The will help us to evaluate our World Week actvities.
Assembly Dates
The 3/4G Class Assembly planned for this Friday has been postponed. Dates for assemblies this term are now:
Class 3/4M Friday 12th February
Class 5/6P Friday 18th March
National Tests
The National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 will take place from Tuesday May 3rd to Tuesday May 10th. No holidays will be authorised during that period of time.
Governors’ Annual Report to Parents 2014-15
A Summary of the Governors’ Annual Report to Parents 2014-15 will be sent out with your child tomorrow. A copy of the full report is available, on request, from the office. It will also be posted to our website.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week!
We have some spare numbers if anyone else would like to join our weekly Bonus Ball competition. Parents and staff pay £1.00 a week. All money is split so that half of it goes to school fund and half goes into the prize fund. Please see Mrs Kidd in the office if you would like to join.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan