Dear Parent/Guardian,
Thank you to parents and grandparents who supported our Fairtrade Pop-up Café last Thursday. We raised £15.00 with our Fairtrade raffle.
Well done and thank you to parents who joined us last week to receive certificates for their participation in Family Learning courses. If you have any suggestions for future courses please let me know, either now or at the next Parent Forum on May 20th.
The Drumming Workshops in Reception with Upbeat Music and Arts have been changed to a Thursday and continue this week. They will now be taken by Jason Robinson.
Mr Kelvin Reddicliffe will be visiting us on Wednesday to chat about a Chartist Jigsaw competition.
A Coffee Morning is being held on Thursday from 9.00am for any parents who have children with additional needs, or those who would like to find out more about Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Dyscalculia. Mrs Paula Halsall, the Curriculum Improvement Advisor for Additional Educational Needs, will be at this coffee morning, and she, together with Miss Bishop, will answer any questions you may have.
Class 4/5B have their assembly this Friday at 9.15am. I hope that parents and grandparents will be able to join us for that.
National Tests
National tests for pupils in Y2 to Y6 take place next week. The test schedule is as follows:
If a pupil is away on any of these days and is unable to sit the test, the Welsh Government will automatically give the pupil a bottom grade.
However, our approach towards the testing is balanced. Whilst we have been preparing children for the tests over the last few weeks, we have maintained a sensible approach in order to ensure that pupils feel sufficiently comfortable to perform at their best ability and not be excessively anxious. The Welsh Government and the Local Authority are aware that the test results provide a snapshot of a child’s performance on one day only and they do not cover the full breadth of a child’s working level.
Diary Dates
INSET Days: Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June.
End of term: Wednesday 20th July (Some Diary Dates sheets may have the wrong date)
Spare copies of the Diary Dates sheet are available from the office. If you need an additional class topic letter, please ask your child’s class teacher.
Bridge Street Bridge
Bridge Street Bridge will be closed to traffic from 3rd May until late 2016. The bridge will be replaced a part of Network Rail’s work to prepare for the electrification of the railway track.
The pedestrian footbridge nearby will remain open.
Current class attendance is shown below:
Our school target is 93.9% but only three classes are reaching that currently. Please help us to reach our target by bringing your child to school regularly and, whenever possible, booking medical appointments either after school, or later in the day so that they have been in school for most of the time and are able to have their afternoon mark.
School Bags
Since the beginning of April, the price on our school bags has increased.
They are now:
Infant book bag £3.00
Junior book Bag £4.00
PE bag £2.50
These are all available from the office.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan