Dear Parent,
Thank you for supporting Class 5/6P’s Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. They children were great serving tea and cakes and they raised £134.00 with the promise of more to follow. Well done to them and Mrs Parry! Thank you also if you donated cakes or a prize for the raffle.
Mrs Purcel, Head of Year 7 at Duffryn High School, is taking our Junior assembly on Tuesday morning.
On Wednesday, Mrs Alex Smith, Communities First Youth Worker based at the SHARE Centre, will be joining us for our whole school assembly.
Our Samba sessions with Year 1 and 2 pupils continue in the morning and they are taken by Mr Glyn Watkins, from Upbeat Music and Arts. This project is going until half term and the Year 1/2 team have just arranged for the children to do an afternoon performance at the Newport Centre Riverside Suite on Monday 19th October. More information will follow….
On Wednesday afternoon, the actor Jamie Jarvis will be working with Year 5 pupils starting to prepare them for the Chartist March which will take place on Tuesday 4th November.
Also on Wednesday, the Reception team are hosting a Reading Meeting for parents and carers of Reception pupils and this will take place at 2.45pm in the Reception classrooms. (Please use the main entrance for this and not the Reception doors.) Refreshments will be available.
On Friday morning and afternoon, our Language and Play course starts for Nursery parents. This course will run from either 9.30-11.10am or 1.00-3.00pm and will be led this year by Mrs Rhian Kemp who is extremely experienced, and has, in the past, worked in our school. This is a very important course for Nursery parents and it will give you lots of ideas of fun activities that you can do with your child to help them with their learning.
You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you if you wish. Refreshments will be available and I hope that you will find the sessions enjoyable. (A separate letter about this will go to Nursery parents.)
Harvest Festival
Our Harvest Festival takes please on Thursday 8th October at 9.15am. We would appreciate a donation of tinned, packet or fresh foods for our harvest table if possible please so that we can remind children about the message of harvest which is about being thankful for our food and sharing what we have. These foods will be collected on Friday by The Raven House Trust (churches working together in Newport) and given to the hungry of Newport. Tesco bakers are also providing us with a harvest loaf which we will share with children after our assembly.
Parental Consultations
An early reminder that Parental Consultations will be held on Tuesday 20th October (3.45-7.00pm) and Wednesday 21st October (3.45-5.30pm). They are a great opportunity for you to see how your child has settled in this term and I hope that you will be able to come. Forms for choosing sessions will be in next week’s newsletter.
Thank you very much for heeding my request not to smoke near any of the gates at the front and back of the school.
Lead Creative School
I am thrilled to confirm that we have been selected as one of a group of Lead Creative Schools across Wales.
This is a two year Welsh Government and Arts Council of Wales special project which will provide funding for creative projects that will enable us to develop pupils as ‘creative contributors’ as identified in the recent Donaldson curriculum review.
I’ll let you know mare when I have more information.
Miss Stone
On Friday we are saying goodbye to Miss Stone who joined us a few months ago as a school cook. She has been offered another post outside catering and I’d like to thank her for her help while with us and wish her good luck in her new job!
Bonus Ball
Thank you for continuing to support this. There is another rollover this week.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan