Dear All,
Congratulations to Gabriella and Moema who were winners of the Cricket Bat Design Competition for Healthy Week. They both received a £5.00 Sports Direct gift card.
The Year 5 Cluster Transition Concert was great and our children sang beautifully! They were also a credit to the school in all of the art and Jampod activities that they took part in before the rehearsal. Similarly, children who have been on recent trips have all had extremely good behaviour that has been commented on by staff working at venues we have visited. Well done!
Well done to the Foundation Phase for their Enterprise Sale last week! Thank you for joining us also. (We will be selling unsold item at a special table sale at Tesco on Newport Road on Thursday 9th July.)
PC Amy, our School Liaison Police Officer, visited pupils in Year 6 and Year 2 today to deliver the programme on Drugs (Y6) and Medicine and Drugs (Y2). If you have the chance, please have a chat to your child about what PC Amy talked about.
Upbeat Music are running the second of our four Garage Band workshops in class 5/6P today and in 5/6BC tomorrow.
Year 1 and 2 pupils are visiting the Seaquarium at Weston-Super-Mare on Tuesday.
The dental nurses are doing plastic coating for pupils in Year 3 on Tuesday.
On Wednesday from 10.00-3.00pm, the SHARE centre (just up Stow Hill near the school) is holding a community health event with activities taking place such as cholesterol testing for parents and gardening. Classes 3/4C and 3/4G will be visiting the centre for an hour during the day to take part in some gardening, exercise and smoothie making activities as part of this event and you are welcome to pop in at any time. If you would like to go up when your child is visiting, the times are:
Class 3/4C 11.30-12.30pm
Class 43/4G 1.30-2.30pm
The Reception Intake meeting takes place on Wednesday at 6.30pm for parents of pupils starting with us in September. This meeting will give you the chance to meet the class teachers, find out about the first few weeks of school and to see the Reception teaching areas.
We are currently in the process of appointing a Reception teacher who will teach alongside Mrs Dickenson, and on Wednesday we will complete the interviews so by the evening you will be able to meet the new teacher. This meeting is for parents only but if you have any difficulty with obtaining someone to look after your child, please chat with me beforehand.
On Monday 6th July, Nursery children will visit their new Reception classes.
On Thursday it is our Transition Morning and children will visit their new classes and meet their new teacher for an hour.
Safe Cycling will continue on Thursday after school.
Class 1/2E Assembly
This will now take place on Thursday 9th July at 9.15am. I’m sorry about the need to change dates but I hope that as many parents and grandparents as possible will be able to come.
Punctuality and Attendance
Children will be receiving their mid term attendance summary this week.
Thank you to the majority of families who are punctual and are ensuring that their child is in school on time ?
As you are aware, attendance and punctuality are very important to the Welsh Government, Newport City Council and the school and Governing Body. I know that the vast majority of you understand how important this is and the Governing Body have acknowledged your support in their current strategy concerning the granting of family holidays to pupils with good attendance.
There is still an issue with lateness though and just a few families are repeatedly sending their children in late now, and these latenesses are adding up.
Please do everything you can to ensure that your child comes in through the side door on time in the morning (or at the back door for Reception). Mrs Sue Haigh, our Educational Welfare Officer, will be reviewing attendance and lateness shortly and will contact parents who have failed to work with school over this.
Week commencing |
13.4.15 |
20.4.15 |
27.4.15 |
5.5.15 |
11.5.15 |
18.5.15 |
1.6.15 |
8.6.15 |
15.6.15 |
22.6.15 |
Number of latenesses |
75 |
50 |
39 |
37 |
39 |
59 |
36 |
22 |
45 |
65 |
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan