Dear Parent,
The Nursery children had a lovely visit to Belle Vue Park on Friday and were excited when Father Christmas joined them!
Thank you so much for all your support for the Christmas Fayre on Friday! A total of £1159.65 was raised!
We couldn’t have run the Fayre without the help of the Friends of St Woolos in the weeks leading up to it and on the day, and also all the staff who helped. ?
Thank you also to the businesses who sponsored a stall or donated a prize (see list) and who regularly support us with our Fayres.
All the money raised is spent on activities, entertainment and equipment for the children.
This morning the school had a Rock Concert from Gwent Music Service which was great fun!
Milittlepad continue their sessions with Classes 5/6P and 5/6W today and the children have been learning how to do Stop Motion films on the ipads.
There is no Craft, Music or Cookery Club tomorrow. Next week is the last week for clubs except for Football and Minecraft.
Nursery sessions have their last Joe’s Sensory Gym on Wednesday morning.
The Year 1/2 Concert is on Wednesday at 2.00pm in the top hall.
So that the children get a fair chance of performing in all their concerts without being disturbed please do not bring any babies or toddlers to the concert. Nursery age children are able to attend with you but you will be expected to take them out if they cry or disturb the concert.
I know that you understand the reason for this request and I’d like to thank you for supporting it so well last year.
After the concert, you are welcome to wait in the top hall until your child is changed. (The children change in different classrooms.) We will then come up and let you know when you can collect your child.
The children have worked really hard for their performances and I know that you will enjoy them!
The last Reception/ Year 1 Numeracy/Literacy Family Learning course is on Thursday at 9.00am.
The last Nursery Language/ Number and Play sessions are on Friday morning and afternoon.
The Reception Concert is on Friday afternoon at 2.00pm.
School Dinners
A few of you have passed on your concerns about school meals. If you have any concerns, please let me know and I will then pass them on to Chartwells who are the company that Newport has contracted to provide school meals. Thank you.
Your support for helping us to improve punctuality and attendance since September has been great! Our current level of attendance is 94.4% which is the highest it has ever been!
We have a Governors’ meeting tomorrow evening and punctuality and attendance are regular items on the agenda. This improved figure will be helpful when we have discussions about whether Governors continue to authorise holidays because it is clear that parents are currently working closely with the school in its aim to improve attendance.
Concerts Next Week
Nursery Morning Concert 10.30am – Wednesday 9th December
Nursery Afternoon Concert 2.00pm – Wednesday 9th December
Junior Concert 2.00pm – Thursday 10th and Friday 11th December (Ticket letters will be sent out separately)
Choir Concert
We started a choir this term which is led by Mrs Parry and Miss Watkins. They have their first concert on Saturday 12th December at 7.00pm at St John the Baptist Church, Risca Road. They are taking part in a concert together with Newport Orchestra to raise funds for the Cwtsh Library on Stow Hill (Handpost Community Library and Arts Association.) Choir members have been given letters about the concert but if you know of anyone who would like a ticket please let Mrs Parry know (£5.00 / OAPs £3.00).
Eco Tip
Use recycled items to make tree decorations.
Bonus Ball
Congratulations this week again to Mrs Stacey!!
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan