Dear All,
I hope that you have all had a a lovely Christmas break!
Thank and you so much for supporting our recent events to raise money for Latch, the children’s cancer charity. At the time of writing we have collected the amazing total of £1027.04!
This figure will have grown a little by the time of next week’s newsletter because we still have staff donations in lieu of Christmas cards to add. Asda have also contiuned to collect during the Christmas holidays and they will be bringing in this money later in the week.
The following amounts made up this total:
BHS Carol Singing £376.58
Tesco Carol singing £226.41
Asda Pillgwenlly Carol Singing £166.20
Concert Donations £147.00
Christmas Jumper Day £110.85
I am really grateful to all the parents, grandparents and shoppers who supported us with this.
Congratulations to our Early Bird prize winners- Leo Dunnion and Muskan Iqbal! They both win a £5.00 WH Smiths gift card.
This week is World Week and children in each class are learning about different countries. These are shown below:
Nursery Lapland
RH Germany
RD Australia
1/2D/J Brazil
1/2MS France
1/2VS Spain
3/4G Holland
3/4M Jamaica
4/5B United Arab Emirates- Abu Dhabi
5/6W Portugal
5/6P India
We welcome any information or objects from any of these countries that you would like to share with us.
The Year 5 Swimming Course at Spytty Park started this week. This will run for the next three weeks and children made a great start today, even though some of them had not been to the pool before.
All clubs will start back next week, with the exception of Minecraft which will start on Monday 18th January.
There is an INSET day on Monday 11th January and the school and Nursery will be closed.
The Diary Dates sheet and Topic Letters will be sent home on Tuesday 19th January.
Christmas Card Competition
We are taking part in the annual Christmas Card Competition to collect as many as possible. In order to make this fair across Newport, judging will be based on the average number of cards per pupils so please count the cards before sending them in and write the amount on the bag.
The Eco Team will be co-ordinating this collection and the last date to send in cards is Friday 15th January.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan