Dear Parent/Carer,
The Nursery Welly Throw took place last Wednesday and children had great fun throwing their wellies and measuring how far they travelled! Thank you to everyone who sponsored a child with their throws. Sponsor money does not have to be handed in until half term.
Thank you for supporting our Casual Day on Friday in aid of Velindre Hospital, in Cardiff. Schools all across the region were taking part in this event and I’m pleased to say that £139.70 was raised.
Many thanks to Mr Kelvin Reddicliffe who presented the school with two large Chartist canvasses (photo on Twitter) on Friday. We are selling 8x10inch framed pictures of the Chartist Mosaic which he has given us, in aid of St Anne’s Hospice and St David’s Foundation. These are £7.00 each if you would like one, or £10.00 for two. There are a total of five different prints to choose from. Mr Reddicliffe has promised us a further one hundred of these to sell so, before they are available to the wider public, you have the chance to buy them first if you wish.
The father and son who created to Chartist Mosaic were Kenneth and Oliver Budd and Oliver Budd has provided written permission to Mr Reddicliffe to sell these prints in aid of charity. You might also be interested to know that the school mosaic on Havelock Street was created by Oliver Budd who worked with our pupils several years ago.
Today we collected coins in a jar for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. Thank you very much for generously supporting this, even though it came so close to the Casual Day. We just thought we had to do something to help.
The money will be sent straightaway to UNICEF who are co-ordinating collections. I’ll let you know the final total next week.
The National Reading and Numeracy tests take place this week for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6. It is very important that pupils do not miss a test because if any absent pupil is unable to sit the tests on our allocated catch-up days of next Monday and Tuesday (11th and 12th), the Welsh Government will automatically give them a very low score.
The dates for the tests are:
Today – Reading Test
Wednesday – Numeracy Procedural
Friday – Numeracy Reasoning
School is closed to pupils on Thursday because the General Election is taking place and we are a Polling Station. Staff will be attending school.
After School Club
A new Communities First After School Club for children in Years 5 and 6 will start on Wednesday 6th May at the SHARE Centre just up the hill from the school. It is run by Alex Smith, whom many of you will know as a local youth worker. The sessions run from 3.30-5.30pm and cost 50p for the two hours with refreshments included. Parents will need to drop their child to the session and collect them afterwards.
Past Pupil
It’s always nice to hear about past pupils so I thought you might be interested to hear about Simon Driscoll (brother of Miss Driscoll) who was a pupil here seventeen years ago. He has recently obtained his PhD in Atmospheric Physics so we send him our congratulations! Simon has promised to return to talk as part of our Aspiration Project in the not too distant future
Punctuality and Attendance
Half termly attendance print outs are being sent out this week. We have decided to send them in the middle of each term so that you are aware of how your child’s attendance is progressing before we reach the half termly decision for fridge magnets.
Latenesses for this half term are:
This is a continued improvement ?.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan