Dear All,
Our Welsh Fortnight starts today and will lead up to our Eisteddfod on Tuesday 1st March. Children will be given a design activity to do over the half term and all children returning items will get five house points for their house.
Milittlepad worked with Classes 5/6P and 5/6W this afternoon.
The Year 1/2 visit to St Fagans Welsh Folk Museum to look at Welsh toys from the past takes place tomorrow.
Tomorrow is also Internet Safety Day and Mr Glyn Rogers, from the Welsh Government, will be visiting in the morning to do an internet safety assembly for Junior pupils. We are very lucky that he has agreed to do an assembly for us and his message will be very important for the children. During the assembly, our junior Digital Leaders will be taking notes and they will give presentation to the Foundation Phase children on Friday afternoon, so that they can also hear the message. Children will also bring home an Internet Safety leaflet tomorrow which will give you more information. A Parent Internet Safety Meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd February at 6.00pm.
(The leaflets we produced last year on Cyber Safety and Setting Parental Controls are also still available from the school office if you need them.)
The Wednesday after school Year 6 Golf Club, run by staff from ‘NewportLive’, continues this week.
The Y2/3 Literacy/Numeracy Course continues on Thursday from 9.15 to 11.15am. As a result of a request from the current group, this course will be extended by one more week to finish on Thursday 3rd March, which is World Book Day. We plan to run more courses after Easter which will help you to find out more about the ways that Literacy and Numeracy are taught in school.
In the afternoon, actors from BBC CBeebies ‘RhymeRockets’ will be performing for all Foundation Phase classes from Reception to Year 2. Afterwards, the characters will visit the classrooms briefly to meet the children.
There is no Netball club on Thursday because we have a staff meeting.
On Friday at 9.15am, Class 3/4M have their Class Assembly. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us for this.
Additional Dates
There are some additional dates which were not on our Spring Diary Dates sheet because we have organised some extra activities and events or amended assembly dates. These are:
Friday 18th March – Class 5/6P Assembly
Tuesday 23rd February – Parent Internet Safety Meeting- PC Thomas – 6.00pm- 6.45pm
Saturday 5th March-Chartist Sound and Light Show – Class 4/5B 5.00pm approx.
Tuesday 8th March – Y5 to ‘Jampod’ –Duffryn High School
Thursday 10th March Upbeat Music – Y1/2 Classes
Friday 11th March “ “
Friday 11th March – RD and RS visit to the Library
Digital Leaders visit to St Julians Primary School
Monday 21st March Y1/2 Pop-up Restaurant –6.00-7.00pm – Lead Creative School
Tuesday 22nd March Project
These dates will be added to our website by our website manager shortly.
National Tests
The National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 will take place from Tuesday May 3rd to Tuesday May 10th. No holidays will be authorised during that period of time.
Green School Categorisation
Our school categorisation is Green and and the judgement, which is based on results, teaching, leadership, management and attendance, is 1A. No special provision has been made for our school – the judgements are on clear data alone.
The improvement in attendance has helped the school and the school is also very lucky to have such a strong team of teachers, teaching assistants, office and lunchtime staff who are so committed to all of the children. Your support as a parent also helps considerably with how well your child achieves. Thank you.
Road Closure at Stow Hill
Apologies for the misleading information that I gave you last week. Wales and West Utilities decided not to close Stow Hill at the last minute so luckily the road problems were averted.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week!
Yours faithfully,
H Vaughan