Dear Parent,
Class RD did a lovely first assembly on Friday. Well done!
Thank you for supporting UNICEF Day for Change on Friday. A total of £109.40 was raised.
Internet Safety Day is on Tuesday.
PC Williams is visiting the school in the morning to talk to Y2 and Y6 about computer safety.
She will be talking to children about the internet and interactive games which can cause cyber bullying.
Last year a Cyber Safety leaflet created by Mr Stedman was sent out to all pupils. It will be sent home again tomorrow. Please read through it with your child and keep it safe because it’s got some helpful contact details on.
Please remember that no child under the age of 13 is allowed to use Facebook or have an account. PC Williams will be reminding pupils about this.
Classes from Reception to Year 2 have their annual Daffodil Day (Yellow Day) on Wednesday after school in the main hall. They have been growing daffodils in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. Please use the main entrance to come in for this.
On Wednesday Class 4/5B will be dismissed through the side door with Y5/6 (the one that children come in through in the morning) and children in classes 3/4C and 3/4G will be sent out though the side door by the steps by the Reception class (where the mural is on the wall). (This is for Wednesday only.)
This will mean that you can come in through the main entrance at the front for the Daffodil Day once you have collected your child more easily.
The Y2/3 Parent Numeracy Workshops continue on Thursday morning from 9.00-11.00am. You are welcome to join us even if you were not able to make the first session last week.
The final Nursery Number and Play session takes place on Friday morning.
We break up on Friday for half term.
School and Nursery start again on Monday 23rd February.
The Cwtsh Library (old Handpost Library) is opening on Saturday 14th February and there is an open day for children, families and adults living in the area. You are welcome to drop in any time during the day from 10.00am onwards.
Attendance and Punctuality
Our attendance for the year is currently running at 93.4% and our target is 94%. The Newport target for schools’ attendance is 95%. Schools in Wales are being monitored extremely closely by the Welsh Government for attendance and punctuality.
Although attendance has improved consistently over the past two years, we still have a problem with punctuality. This was evident during the inspection and, even though it only applies to a small number of children, it is very significant.
The Welsh Government regulations that we have to follow mean that any child arriving late after the registers close is given a mark which counts as unauthorised absence for the morning.
We already open the doors five minutes earlier than the start time of 8.50am and up until now, have shut the doors at 9.00am. From the first Monday after half term, this will change because punctuality hasn’t improved. The side door and Reception door will shut at 8.55am. Mrs Luckett and Mrs Bashir will then go to the front door to receive late pupils.
This will only affect the very small number of children who arrive late but it is an important step to ensure that children do not lose teaching time in class.
We now have a school mobile telephone number which you can text if your child is ill. The number is 07541 644956.
Please ensure that children return to school after an appointment at the Dentist/Doctor’s Surgery, so that they miss as little teaching time as possible. Where possible, please arrange appointments outside of school hours.
Thank you though for your continued support with attendance.
Eco Tip
Please send in used batteries for recycling. We have a collection box in school near the main office and one in Nursery.
Bonus Ball
There is another rollover this week!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan