Dear Parent,
This week starts with two visits to Class 4/5 B today by Mrs Tracey Padden from Newport Library and Mr Edwards from Vacara’s fish and chip shop, which is a long-established Newport business. They are talking to them about the impact on the city centre by Friars Walk Development because this is a major part of their current geography work. Mr. Edwards is also Chair of the Business Development Group so this will also help the children to have a wider perspective.
Mini ipad workshops for Class 3/4C continued this afternoon.
On Tuesday morning PC Amy Williams will be coming to our Infant and Junior assembly and talking to them them about personal safety and delivering a message based on the ‘Tell Yell’ message. The first session at 9.15am is for Juniors and the second at 9.45am is for Infant children. If you would like to attend one of these, please let me know tonight or tomorrow morning.
Parental Consultations are on Tuesday from 3.45-7.30pm and on Wednesday from 3.45-5.30pm. If you did not return your slip, one of the remaining appointment times was allocated so that you did not lose on out the very important meeting. In order to help with this, Mrs Jones and Mrs Parkinson are running the usual DVD in the Nursery.
During both of these sessions, Mrs Couch will be available to answer any queries you have about attendance, lateness or fixed penalty notices. During the consultations, you will be given a copy of our revised Attendance Leaflet which will be helpful for you.
No clubs will be taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday except for Football Club which Mr Walbeoff will run. (He is the coach who runs the club with Mrs Davies.) All other clubs will run Thursday and Friday except for Drama on Thursday. I will be unable to take it because I am at meeting that day.
The Rap/Hip-Hop music workshops with Class 4/5B continue on Wednesday
The Friends of St Woolos are running a Mother’s Day gift shop in school from Tuesday until Friday. All gifts cost from 50p-£1.50. Thank you to parents helping with this.
Year 2/3 dental checks also take place on Wednesday.
Please return the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ pictures by Wednesday.
We are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday by dressing up as our favourite book character from a book we have read. If children bring in either that book, or another favourite book, then they will be able to talk about this, and use them in their class.
The last Y2/3 Parent Numeracy Workshop is on Thursday morning. We hope to have a presentation of certificates for parents who have attended courses in the next few weeks and I’ll let you know the date for this soon as I can.
It is Comic Relief Day on Friday and children can wear their casual clothes for a minimum payment of 50p.
Also on Friday, the Nursery are holding their Mother’s Day Concerts. Children have been practising hard for these and I know that they will be lovely. The times are 10.45am and 2.15pm. . (Nursery are having a Red Day on Monday 16th March for Comic Relief.)
Attendance and Punctuality
Thank you for responding so well to the earlier closing time of the side door at 8.55am. This was necessary because some children were arriving later and later after the start time of 8.50am. The fact that we had originally held the door open for a while to accommodate the occasional latecomer caused more problems than it was solving because more and more children were arriving late. However, I’m really pleased to say that only two pupils were late on Friday morning! ?
The doors will continue to close at 8.55am until the end of term but, after Easter, they will close at 8.50am. Children arriving after this time will be marked late because the school can no longer allow any extra time at the start of the day. Punctuality for some children during the inspection was poor and so this is something that has to improve.
8.45am Doors open (Reception and side door)
8.50am School starts
9.20am Registers close
3.30pm School finishes
Welsh Government guidance officially allows schools to keep the register open for half an hour after the start of the school day. Children arriving after the start of the school day but before 9.20 will be marked as present but late. Pupils arriving after 9.20am have to be marked as absent for that morning session.)
If you have any spare children’s or adults’ glasses at home that you no longer need, pleases send them in by Friday 13th March so that they can be sent to help communities in Sri Lanka.
Miss Goodwin
Good news! Miss Goodwin gave birth to a daughter yesterday- Olivia May! Both are doing well.
Bonus Ball
Congratulations to this week’s winner- Mrs Anthony, who is a cook in our kitchen!
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan