Dear Parent/Carer,

Well done to Year 6 who gave such a great performance at Newport Cathedral on Friday describing life at St Woolos Field Hospital during 1914-1918. The singing and presentations were excellent!

St Woolos Hospital was the largest field hospital in Wales during the First World War and Nursing staff were billeted on the top floor of our school for that period because the hospital was so busy. It’s great to have a such a link with history in our school.

We held our Remembrance Service in school this morning and it was led by Class 5. Well done to them for producing such a moving service to commemorate the end of World War One. We were joined by members of the

Comrades’Organisation and The Western Front Association, who organised the very successful Journey’s End project on Friday.

Our Remembrance Service is always a very special one for us and we remember especially past pupils who have lost their lives in conflicts over the years since

Well done also to the Football team who played so well against Ysgol Bro Teyrnon on Thursday. The score was 9-3 to them but our team played extremely well and were great sports and represented us really well! Thank you also to Dan Harvey, from County in the Community, who came with us on this league match and to Miss Murphy and Mrs Martin, who accompanied them. Those of you who have known the school for a long time, may be interested to know that the match against Bro Terynon was organised by Luke Baker, a parent of a child there, and an ex-pupil of this school, whose father, Andrew Baker was a Parent Governor several years ago.

We had a great pantomime in school today, Sleeping Beauty! Huge thanks to all the parents who helped with our Summer Fayre as part of the Friends of St Woolos, because the money raised by them paid for this pantomime which we have every year and is always of excellent quality!

There is a Battery Recycling Collection on Tuesday. We have been collecting lots of batteries for recycling so far. If you have any at home please send them in tomorrow.

Also on Tuesday, Year 4 pupils are taking part in an arts project with Operasonic based around creating music to accompany memories of the old Stow Hill Baths (where Bethel Community Centre is now).

Our pop-up Enterprise Shop is opening in Kingsway Centre on Wednesday 14th November and will run until Saturday 17th November. The opening times are 10.00-4.00pm from Weds- Friday and 10.00-1pm on Saturday. We hope that you will help us by spreading the word about this to your family and friends. Thank you very much to parentswho have offered to volunteer for a couple of hours during the week. We need adults to help walk groups of children to and from the shop and also stay with them and provide some help. If you are able to commit to a few hours at some point while the shop is open, please complete and return the attached form.

This fantastic Enterprise Shop project will help children understand about money, profit, the world of work and entrepreneurship. They are really enjoying making the items and I know that they will really love visiting or working in the shop.

Wednesday is a very busy day for us because the choir (Y5 and younger) are performing at The Riverfront at 1.00pm at an event in aid of MIND. You are welcome to attend this if you would like to.

On Wednesday also, Year 6 have also been invited to the Senedd, in Cardiff Bay, at the invitation of Jayne Bryant AM, to sing and take part in a special event to commemorate the Chartists, who have such a strong connection with Newport and the Stow Hill area especially. This has become an annual visit for us and will be really interesting for the children.


Thank you for following my request about making arrangements in time to pick up your child. This has helped to stop interruptions in the office. Please help us also by not bringing your child’s sandwiches in later in the morning. Please send them in with your child first thing so that you do not have to disturb office staff to collect them. Thank you for co-operating with this because we only have one full-time and one part-time member of staff in the office and they are extremely busy all the time.

Children in Need

On Friday we are celebrating Children in Need and children can wear spots or bright colours for a donation of 50p.


Mrs Jones has commenced her maternity leave earlier than planned and will not now be returning to school until the end of the summer term. Both she and the baby are well though. As a result, Miss Pretty will be teaching Mrs Jones’ class until she returns form her maternity leave in July. I know that the children will settle very quickly with Miss Prettywhom they know very well. We wish Mrs Jones all the best and I will keep you up to date with news about her baby when it arrives.

Mrs Parry is away from school this week and so Mrs Hassall, who was teaching in Class 4, will be teaching her class. I am very sorry about these changes but they are unavoidable. Like Miss Pretty, Mrs Hassall is known to the children. I will keep you posted about any changes.


Friday 23rd Nov. – INSET Day (John Frost Cluster)


Yours sincerely,

H Vaughan





Name of child:                                                                                              Class:



I am able to help at the following times (Please tick availability)


10.00-11.30am 11.30-1.00pm 1.00-2.30pm 2.30-4.00pm
Wednesday 14th November
Thursday 15th November
Friday 16th November
Saturday 17th November


Signed:    (Parent/Carer)                                                                                                          Date: