Dear All,
This has been a very busy half term and we finish it off with another busy week. We are continuing our Welsh Theme as we prepare for the Eisteddfod in the first week back.
First, an important note for Nursery parents; we need to change the Wednesday Parental Consultation day to Monday so that the children can enjoy a Space Day. Therefore, the Nursery consultations will be on Monday 12th March and Tuesday 13th March. I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this change.
We are pleased to welcome back Mrs Graham, after her Maternity leave. She will be continuing with Intervention Groups, from Tuesday to Thursday each week.
Year 5s complete their three week swimming course on Friday. Miss Watkins has been very enthusiastic about their progress each day and I know that they have enjoyed it. Thank you to Y5 parents, who all brought their children early, so that the course makes a minimal impact on other school work.
There are a few religious celebrations this week with Shrove Tuesday/ Pancake day on 13th; Ash Wednesday on 14th and Chinese New Year on 15th.
On Thursday, Mrs Couch will be taking Year 6 Playmakers to a Celebration Event at the Newport Centre. This SEWREC event has been organised by Lauren Boyd, who trained our playmakers. Unfortunately, the Year 5 playmakers will still be at swimming.
Also, on Thursday, we are hosting our third Year 1 Reading Café. These events have been well supported, so thank you to those Year 1 parents who have attended.
On Friday, we are having a casual day to raise money for school funds, children may wear their own casual clothes for a donation of 50p. In the afternoon, there will be a short presentation led by Jenny Chen about Chinese New Year. For any children who celebrated Chinese New Year, we would love it if they could wear, or bring in their special clothes to change into for this event.
We are also delighted to welcome an ex-pupil, Bradley Cox, who is coming in to talk to Year 6 about his experiences in High School and his sports coaching training.
As part of our Welsh fortnight and our Eisteddfod preparations, the children will be given a homework task over half term. Each child will bring home the details of this, but we are asking them to create a 3D daffodil or leek. Each child who brings in a daffodil or leek, will earn 5 housepoints for their house and this can have a significant contribution to the overall score from the competitions.
So please try to do this with your child over the holiday – they can be any size. They always make a really beautiful display when they come in.
I would like to wish you all an enjoyable half term break, and also to remind you that we have an INSET day on Monday 26th February, so the children will not start back until Tuesday 27th.
Parental consultations will be on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th March. Please make every effort to attend and compete the form below to indicate your desired session. If you can return the forms by this Friday, teachers will be able to give out consultation times in the first week back after half term. All times are given on a first come, first served basis. If you do not request a time, you will be given any time left, so please let us know which slot is best for you.
If you are unable to make any of the times shown, please talk to the class teacher.
The class with the best attendance last week was Class 5/6W.
There is a roll over this week.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Couch
Acting Headteacher