Dear All,
I would like to start this week with a thank you to all parents who attended consultations last week. Many parents made the effort to come to talk to teachers about their children. If you missed your appointment, please speak to the class teacher and make an alternative appointment. Nursery parents have their consultations this week, today and Tuesday and we look forward to seeing you.
Last week, we enjoyed two events postponed due to the snow. Our Eisteddfod was held on Tuesday and all classes presented Welsh items. We also enjoyed two instrumental presentations from Callum Davies and Jack Mas-Barrett, then Millie Niven and Jacen Wickens. The winning House this year was Usk, and they were boosted into the lead by the number of children who made daffodils and leeks.
Our Bard for 2018 is Callum Davies, congratulations to him for an excellent piece of writing.
On Friday, we celebrated World Book Day and many children dressed up as their favourite book character. There was also a competition to create a book cover and prizes were given in each class.
On Wednesday, the Nursery children presented concerts for their mothers, and I was lucky enough to attend both. The children were brilliant and the mothers who attended received a lovely gift. Thank you to Nursery staff for their hard work preparing the gifts.
During last week, Mrs Kidd and Mrs Martin manned the Mother’s Day Sale and raised £127.45. Thank you to everyone who donated items for the sale, to those who sent in money for their children to buy gifts and to Mrs Kidd and Mrs Martin for organising such a successful event. I hope that you all had a Happy Mother’s Day.
Class 2MS presented a class assembly about their World Week country – America. They performed brilliantly for the school and their parents. Jayne Bryant AM and Councillor Kate Thomas also attended the assembly and Kate Thomas presented the school with our Autism Awareness Award. Thank you to all 2MS parents who joined us.
On Monday, Richard Parkinson is visiting Year 5 to talk about his job in Cyber Security. I am sure that this will be a very interesting event.
On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Kidd and I will be meeting with our EWO Mrs S. Haigh to discuss attendance. This happens every month and we look at the attendance below 80%. Mrs Haigh may then visit, phone or write to parents.
We have been quite badly hit with illness in December and January, also family holidays have an impact on our attendance as a school. We need all the help that we can get to reach our target of 94%, as we are currently below 93%. Please help us by ensuring that your child is in school on time every day, unless of course they are unwell.
The winning class for February was 5/6W, with an astonishing 97.8%. Well done Class 5/6W, you are certainly helping us to move closer to our target.
On Wednesday, most of the Year 6 children will be going to Talybont for their three-day Residential trip. They will be participating in a range of Outdoor and Adventurous activities while they are there. It is a fantastic experience for them and I wish them well.
Nursery children will be enjoying a “Space Day” on Wednesday, it sounds really interesting and I hope that they have fun while they are learning.
On Thursday, Year 5 pupils, and those Year 6 pupils who did not go to Talybont, will have a nest box making session in school.
Also on Thursday, we will be holding a FairTrade Pop Up Café in the Top Hall from 2.30pm. You are welcome to join us for some coffee/tea and cake. There will be a raffle and the children on the Eco Committee will give a talk about FairTrade.
Class 4/5B will be presenting their class assembly on Friday at 9.15am. I hope that 4/5B parents will be able to attend to support their children.
Dates for your diary:
Easter Bonnet Parade -Wednesday 28th March
Last day of term – Thursday 29th March
Back to school – Monday 16th April
There is a roll over this week.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Couch
Acting Headteacher